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Petar Petrenko

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Everything posted by Petar Petrenko

  1. OK, so here is a modification of "my" request: Lower and Upper dpi limit. So, when the image is placed with the upper limit we can adjust it, if need it, up to the lower limit.
  2. Hi, I think it would be nice to have an option to enter default dpi for images in Settings, so when we place the image into the document it's resolution to be adjusted proportionally to match it. In that case we can instantly know if the image is OK to use it. Of course, we could additionally resize the image to suit our needs.
  3. Hi, Today I opened a PDF and IDML files created with InDesign and found the following problems: PDF Page 3 has too much errors. Body text paragraphs must be left justified, but most of them are aligned left or right. Spacing between text paragraphs must be set to “space after” instead of “space before”. Some sentences are broken with “ENTER”. Mostly at hyphenated words. Most of the paragraphs are left/right indented for a small amount. IDML Page 4 – not all the text is shown. Text frame needs to be resized for a small amount to display the rest of the text. Missing text on page 9 where the TOC (СОДРЖИНА) is. There is no “Text Wrap” applied around the images. Some paragraph styles’ names have “SB” at the beginning of the name, instead of “55”. Please tell me where to send the password of the archive because the files are confidental. Test files.rar
  4. See this PANTONE Lab / RGB table: https://executiveprinters.com/pantone-color-chart/
  5. You should use it with documents considered for testing (copied documents, dummy text...), not for final use that are important for you.
  6. When Publisher gets that feature, I'll abandon InDesign for good.
  7. Yes, I saw this table on their Facebook page, but they lock it for comments. They also forgot to mention some features that Publisher has and both, QXP and ID, doesn't.
  8. AFAIK, betas are not recommended for production use because there might be some structure changes in the apps that will not allow you to open the documents in newer versions.
  9. It would be very nice, and time saver, if you (and others) put the computer info in the signature area. This way you will get answers much quicker.
  10. Once upon a time, I suggested to the developers of PowerBASIC some features which I, nowadays, found implemented in Python and even more I could imagine. I am pretty much skillful in PowerBASIC and I can used it even under Win 10, but I abandoned it in favor of Python.
  11. IMO, this is a 3.0 feature, not for 2.6. But, having in mind there is such a long pause between 2.5 and 2.6, I won't be surprised if they work on 3.0 instead of 2.6.
  12. Why bother with it, you have much better Yamaha DGX 670 for around $1000. https://usa.yamaha.com/products/musical_instruments/pianos/p_series/dgx-670/specs.html#product-tabs
  13. This subject is very interesting and I could talk about it days and days, but it is of topic here and on this forum, also. Maybe some other time and place...
  14. It is 100% true what I said above as long as you eat only fresh fruits and vegetables and no any other food.
  15. Not only apples. If you eat only fruits and vegetables only, you will keep ALL doctors away as long as you live.
  16. Only JPG flattens the image. TIF saves the layers, but they can be flattened too if you choose to do it, not automatically.
  17. I use Affinity studio for pre-press and design, so I would like a LINUX distribution that will suite my needs.
  18. I am interested in Adobe Acrobat Pro DC, not Reader. BTW, what LINUX distribution would anyone recommend?
  19. Yes. All embedded fonts "travel" together with the PDF document.
  20. So, what about Acrobat among others? In our workflow we use some apps together with Affinity and Adobe apps AFAIK do not work on LINUX. And if we don't have all apps we need, it is not a good idea to jump to LINUX.
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