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  1. @Old Bruce@Hangman Thank you guys so much! I could've sworn that i tried the round cap already without it working. After looking at the pressure curve again i realized that it didn't quite look like your picture: Because the end points of the curve moved up and down together by default i must've just dragged a point to to the upper corner, which messes up the round cap. It wasn't really obvious to me that you can click them to remove the linkage, so that took a minute to figure out, but it is working as intended now. Thanks again!
  2. Hi! I am trying to use a brushed stroke (with a "Circle Solid" end to denote a flight path on a discgolf tee sign. The stroke and endpoint should be somewhat transparent to still show the underlying features of the terrain, so i tried to used the opacity (for color and the object itself) as well as the lighten/screen feature with identical results (picture 1/2). It seems like the stroke and the end point are treated as seperate objects whose opacity stacks, resulting in a less opaque area where they overlap, when it should be continuously shaded. Is there a way to prevent this behavior? It seems like i should be able to join them into a singular object or stop overlapping areas from adding their opacity somehow . The workaround I've found is putting a circle with the size i want the end point to over the end node of the stroke and duplicating it (picture 6). Afterwards i group one of the circles together with the stroke and erase-blend it, essentially cutting it from the target area. This works, but it makes moving the end point more cumbersome, because the two circles don't stay attached when i move the node. It feels like this should have been a setting connected to the stroke/end point itself.
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