First-time Affinity Publisher user here. I am creating a custom table of contents that links "Page 3" to page 3, etc. But some of the pages I need to link to will only be created after Data Merge. I have 2 different data merges in the same file.
Specifically, I want to link to "House Bills". House Bills is page 7 in my Publisher file, but there is a data merge before that, so after data merge, it becomes page 15. If there's a way to link to "House Bills" regardless of what page number it is, that would be great.
In addition, but not as important, I would like a placeholder field that automatically updates upon data merge with actual page numbers. I.e., in my table of contents, I am hard-coding the # 15 because as of now, that's where House Bills ends up. But that could change, and I would like the data-merged document to automatically update to whatever the page is. However, if this is too tricky, please don't hesitate in answering the rest of the question.
Since I am new, I don't know the differences between hyperlinks, bookmarks, cross-references, anchors, etc., so if you could kindly respond assuming I know nothing, that would be great!