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  1. Did not do anything. I uninstalled everything related to Nahimic, A-volute, and Asus from my PC and then restarted. Ensured Nahimic wasn't running in task manager and still have the exact same crashing issues. I really don't know what else to do at this point. I had this problem on windows 10 and so I upgraded to windows 11 to potentially solve the issue. I really do not know where to go or what to do. Maybe a corrupt font? 4c42eba6-6a56-471b-8df6-dc37cdf9dd35.dmp
  2. Yes. I followed your exact steps and can confirm affinity did launch when running Designer --disable-font-preview-cache. Scrolling fonts still causes no error crash. Here's 3 more crash reports. 9fadc65e-9f06-441f-9acb-0ac77cc83f0e.dmp 8c2d5b23-913f-4252-ba8c-31ca0f6c06ca.dmp fc1a991f-c1d9-42c1-8ecd-b516626bd38e.dmp
  3. Hi @Dan C, I removed Rivatuner entirely from my computer, restarted, and tried again but its still crashing. I also tried uninstalling Affinity after I removed Rivatuner, restarting, then installing affinity again. I'm still having the same problem. I've attached three of the crash reports after I did these things. Thanks! 262ee688-26de-4559-a5b9-f506c508d306.dmp cff90bc7-b935-439e-85c9-d2e7f6e79dc2.dmp 940c4435-08c4-462e-b7b4-1dcd11439dab.dmp
  4. Hi @Dan C, FontBase is the font manager I'm using it. I installed it as a direct response to the font crashing even when downloaded directly into windows. So yes the crashing occurs in both circumstances. Version Number: I've attached the three report files you requested. These were created today by opening Affinity, writing a line of text, selecting it, and then scrolling through the font search in which I then receive a no error crash. Also may be important to note that I still get these crashes without hardware acceleration via the GPU. Changing the Renderer, Retina Rendering settings, and ticking the hardware acceleration box on/off has had no effect. I've also tinkered with the ram usage limit and that did not resolve any issues either. Other settings I did not touch. Hope this helps! 1abc26d6-5def-4a19-aeec-b810b5c42859.dmp d4cf51c6-e23f-44e1-b516-e224bea49932.dmp d21af4cf-c350-460c-a309-2fd9e879cd3d.dmp
  5. I've been running into an issue when using Affinity ever since I went on a font binge. I have about ~200 fonts whereas before maybe about 100. Now every time it crashes when scrolling through the font selector. Its always at random intervals not a specific font. I know there used to be an issue with the Microsoft NET framework as mentioned on the forums but I'm running the latest version of Designer (V1) and am on the latest version of Windows 11 and still have the issue. Photoshop does not crash under these circumstances. Any help would be appreciated, thank you. I've also tried a trial version of V2 and had the same issue. What I've tried Using a font manager to disable fonts: It crashes with any number of fonts except the ones built into windows natively. Trying V2: V2 designer crashes under the same circumstances Other programs: Illustrator and PS do not have any issues with fonts Latest version of Windows 11 Latest Version of Designer V1. Any guidance would be appreciated.
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