Hi @Dan C,
FontBase is the font manager I'm using it. I installed it as a direct response to the font crashing even when downloaded directly into windows. So yes the crashing occurs in both circumstances.
Version Number:
I've attached the three report files you requested. These were created today by opening Affinity, writing a line of text, selecting it, and then scrolling through the font search in which I then receive a no error crash.
Also may be important to note that I still get these crashes without hardware acceleration via the GPU. Changing the Renderer, Retina Rendering settings, and ticking the hardware acceleration box on/off has had no effect. I've also tinkered with the ram usage limit and that did not resolve any issues either. Other settings I did not touch.
Hope this helps!
1abc26d6-5def-4a19-aeec-b810b5c42859.dmp d4cf51c6-e23f-44e1-b516-e224bea49932.dmp d21af4cf-c350-460c-a309-2fd9e879cd3d.dmp