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  1. Wouldn't this mean that I would have to manually re-italicize everything?
  2. I changed it to Times New Roman if you wanna play around with it. Thank you for this though! What's weird to me is I've never had a problem like this before and I have another document with basically the exact same settings for text styles (save for font) and this doesn't happen at all. So I'm really not sure what's going on... The ideal solution is there's minimal Word formatting and then text style strips an extra stuff and just keeps character styles (which is what has worked in the past). Bold why.afpub
  3. No worries! I feel like I want to edit [No Style] but I can't figure out how. Setting up a new style asks me what it should be based on which would be [No Style] and it becomes a loop
  4. When I set it to normal/regular it erases all formatting (italics) when I paste text in and that's part of the problem. I think it's defaulting to something where the font is boldened but I can't figure out what it's defaulting to I believe that in the text style, font traits should be "no change" but font weight should be "normal," but I don't know how to set the latter and/or figure out what it's reverting to.
  5. Bold was automatically activated when I used the "body" text style despite the text style being set to "no change" and that's what I'm confused about.
  6. Hey all, so I'm trying to create a document where I can paste minimally formatted text (italics) into a text frame and then apply a text style. I've noticed, however, that when I try to apply a text style it defaults to bold and erases all formatting. The only way I can avoid this is if, in the style, I explicitly set it to "regular" but that, obviously, also erases the formatting. I saw this thread, but there doesn't appear to be any problem with the stroke and I'm at a bit of a loss. I've had no problems with text styles in the past so any help would be appreciated. Attached is a sample document. Thanks so much! Bold why.afpub
  7. As should be obvious, I'm a bit hyper-focused and obsessive so this is the real challenge! But for real, @thomaso and @Old Bruce, you two are godsends. Thank you both for the help and thomaso, thank you for the extremely detailed response (with pictures! great for my non-math brain! a bit embarrassing, but such is life) -- I think I see what's going on. I'm assuming, since baseline grid overrides the space after in the spacing section, the images either don't use baseline grid or each 'paragraph' (set of cars) is using a style with 6pt spacing built in? Regardless, thank you (all) again so much for all the help! Now I need to get a ruler to start measuring my books as I read them... Again, hopefully the likes help your reputation in some small way. Fingers crossed I don't return yet again (at least with the same question)...
  8. Returning again. So does this mean that it's theoretically impossible, without using baseline grid, to ensure that pages match up? I guess I'm not sure how baseline grid actually solves the issue you're describing. It seems like it does, but I don't follow how. Can you explain to someone who is painfully bad at math how to possibly figure out a way to make things match up? Let's say I'm using two styles: 12pt font, 12pt leading, 6pt space after paragraph, and a block quotation of 10pt font, 10pt leading, 6 pt space after paragraph. You have 30 and 26 and 2 is a common divisor, so why wouldn't that work? Again, I am terrible at math. We're not gonna talk about that...
  9. Oh my, gotta buy a whole new license? Well, I guess thems the breaks, so to speak. Thanks for the info! I was wondering why I couldn't find the feature.
  10. So this is going to be painfully stupid question, but is there a way I can update to a newer version without re-downloading the whole thing? I couldn't find an (auto)update feature anywhere in the V1 program... Or, perhaps I'm also asking the wrong thing. I'm also looking for the reference manager to use footnotes, but I can't seem to find it. It seems like it also should be under "Window" but I can't seem to find it elsewhere. Edit: I misspoke -- I'm also looking for the reference manager for footnotes; that's my bad...
  11. @walt.farrell Sorry to necro, but I can't even find the resource manager -- here's a screenshot of the Window menu: Also not in Text menu: Nor in view:
  12. As per above, a scholar and a gentleperson whom I tip my hat to in gratitude -- this is a wonderful video and helped a ton! I think (hope) I have it figured out. Still working with the following posts, but combined, I think I have a much clearer idea of what I'm doing. I may return with yet more confusion, but fingers crossed we're good! I really do appreciate how helpful you all have been, and @anto, your videos are a Godsend! (I was watching and doing my own voiceover, lol) The fun task will be working with the 200+ page, multi-essay book. The custom styles will be so helpful oh my goodness. Hopefully just liking ya'll's posts gives you some boost in reputation, etc.! We'll see if I return befuddled in a few weeks, haha
  13. Sure enough, confusion remains, haha! So, I'm going to try to provide as detailed an account of what I'm trying to do (in this project) as I can. There are three texts in one book and so I figured I ought to use baseline grid for each large text frame (three in total, ignoring titles and epigraphs which, presumably, can be stand on their own and be formatted independently). In the current text I'm working with (relatively simple), I've created two different text styles: body text and block quotation. The goal is to have the body text be Garamond 12pt, auto hyphenation, 6pt after paragraph, 12pt lead, .25in first line indentation, last line left justified. The block quotations are Garamond 10pt, auto hyphenation, 6pt after paragraph, 10pt lead, .5in full indentation, last line left justified. (Hopefully you can see the styles in the file?) Ideally, all text aligns evenly at the bottom of the page without some pages being more full than others. Although this may not actually be possible. I've then manually bolded the headers and changed the paragraph before them to 8pt after paragraph. I've only completed to the end of "Mutate" in the file. As you'll see, there still are alignment issues and I'm not sure if the above is the right (or most efficient) way to do everything. Shamefully admitting: all the other things I've printed, I've formatted in Microsoft Publisher which is, on the one hand, easier to use but, on the other, must less customizable. So I'm still getting the hang of the nuances of Affinity. I did RTFM and have spent a 4 hours on these 11 pages so I figured I might as well ask for help. As with before, I appreciate any and all help (indeed, it'll only get more complex as I move back to the file attached before). Hopefully this is enough information and/or the file will help? Thank you in advance! Testing styles.afpub
  14. You, sir/ma'am/etc. are a scholar and a saint! I haven't yet played around with it, but based on the videos, it looks like this is exactly how to do it and thank you for actually making the videos. I'm not sure the reputation system works here, but I hope liking your post does something. You have my gratitude! Hopefully I won't come back next week asking, "wait, I'm confused, how do I do X??"
  15. Apologies for the delay -- here's a part of a file (butchered a bit to get a few pages out). Is there other info that would help? This is just one doc, but I'm trying to figure out how to deal with the problem more generally. sample.afpub
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