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  1. The following feedback about the new pencil curve algorithm is provided under the assumption that the new pencil curve algorithm also powers the Smooth Curve tool, which needed enhancement. In my opinion, the Smooth Curve should convert an original curve into a simplified version with the fewest nodes necessary, while maintaining a perfect overlay with the original at a 1:1 ratio. This approach not only reduces file size but also optimises curve management, making it easier to modify (add or delete nodes) and use in boolean operations, ultimately improving both functionality and appearance. I conducted two tests using the 2.5 beta versions of Photo and Designer, starting by creating a sharp shape with the pencil tool. I manually converted some nodes from sharp to smooth and attempted to simplify them using the Smooth Curve Tool. After selecting all nodes (both sharp and smooth) and activating the tool, a section containing sharp nodes was inadvertently removed, which was unexpected (please see left section of attached image) Although the tool effectively smoothed the remaining nodes, I had to click it approximately 10 times to reduce the node count. This repetitive clicking, necessary in the previous version to simplify the curve, was much more improved in this beta, as fewer clicks were required to achieve a marked reduction in nodes. However, to further optimize the curve, an additional 15 clicks were needed, which did not always yield the desired nodes. I also noticed some closely duplicated nodes remained, and the altered shape of the curve no longer matched the original at the expected 1:1 ratio. This indicates that the nodes left are neither minimal nor optimal for accurately drawing the original curve. I am hopeful that refining the curve algorithm will be a priority in future updates, particularly enhancing the pencil tool’s Smooth Curve and Line Width Tools. I look forward to these improvements and the eventual capability to accurately simplify curves with minimal manual intervention.
  2. Thanks you so very much for implementing these changes, your hard work and dedication are greatly appreciated; particularly on the Line Width Tool and New Pencil Curve algorithm. In my opinion, these much-needed and expected enhancements will significantly improve our work. ### Feedback ### Line Width Tool - Adjust Line Weight: When enabled, selecting a path or curve results in the width approaching zero unless manually adjusted by dragging. It would be more intuitive if a single click preserved the existing width, allowing adjustments from that baseline. - Control per Section: Modifying the width of a specific section affects the entire line disproportionately. Ideally, control should be exercised between selected nodes, enhancing precision and allowing for multiple node selections to define the change scope. - Width Adjustment within Nodes: The tool does not permit node selection while active, seemingly disconnecting node control from width adjustments. A dual control system affecting line and width nodes would be preferable. - Artefacts and Cursors: Adjusting width can cause the line to become jagged, especially near newly created nodes, indicating work in progress. Additionally, the dual cursor functionality (plus and circle) appears redundant as they do not offer distinct actions. - Deactivating Adjust Line Weight: Turning off this feature does not alter functionality, which could be confusing. - Shortcut Key: The Ctrl shortcut (macOS) for controlling width directly from the curve is highly useful. Allow Point Reordering - Node Interaction: When reordering points, width often flips at the node rather than extending smoothly. A more intuitive behavior would be for the width to continue across the node. Snap to Curve Nodes - Node Snapping: The feature currently allows for snapping only when width is minimal; otherwise, it jumps erratically. Smoother control when snapping to curve nodes would be beneficial. Snap to Widths on the Same Curve - Utility and Functionality: The purpose and functionality of this setting remain unclear after testing. Snap to Curve Geometry - Improving Extension Behaviour: This setting somewhat smooths the behaviour when extending width across points. However, issues with jagged extensions and zero width upon initial click persist, making it difficult to evaluate the effectiveness of the last three settings fully. ### Summary ### The Line Width Tool, while essential and appreciated, needs to be more intuitive and simpler in its operation. Ideally, width control should be manageable between nodes or along the entire curve if no nodes are selected. Incorporating an "ease in" and "ease out" blend using a profile pressure option could enhance the transition, combining the best of both functionalities. The clarity and testing of the snapping options should be revisited once the tool's functionality has been refined to ensure no jagging, smooth control, and intuitive use.
  3. Thanks @DWright, the 'Automatic adjust brightness' option was off and kept it like this, and I turned off 'True Tone' I restarted Published, however the issue continues.
  4. Hi @DWright Thanks for your help. I managed to fix it following this process: I turned off the Metal acceleration (I tried this before with no luck) and this time did not help either. I ensured the app wasn't run through Rosetta by: checked Info Panel ('Open using Rosetta' is off) checked Activity Monitor (value in 'Kind/Architecture' column is Apple not Intel) I then run the app from the terminal: arch -arm64 /Applications/Affinity\ Photo\ 2.app/Contents//MacOS/Affinity\ Photo\ 2\ Affinity\ Store The issue with panning persisted. I went back to settings and changed the other setting (attached picture) 'Performance | Display' from Metal to OpenGL That fixed the issue! Thanks so much for pointing me in the right direction. I have a few questions out of curiosity if you have a moment to advise. My understanding was that Metal is designed to take full advantage of my machine including the GPUs as this would provide better performance than OpenGL, especially with my Apple Silicon (M1) giving Metal is a more modern graphics API that offers better support for multithreading and improved efficiency compared to OpenGL. Also that Apple is actively maintaining and updating Metal as it is considerered the future of graphics on Apple platforms. shouldn't my machine giving its specs use metal instead of openGL to get improve performance when using Affinity Photo with complex files? does this mean that Photo is not developed to work with Metal or you are currently working on this? is the 'OpenGL' selection a temporary solution looking at switching back to Metal with a new release? (I have jumped on Affinity straight on 2.1 from Photoshop so have not much experience with it so far and need to plan ahead depending on the complexity of jobs coming. I'm sure I can rely on Photo, just need to double check and would appreciate your insights) Lastly, I did the same change in the settings of Publisher and the issue with the pan tool is also fixed. Great. However, I noticed that with a new document, creating a text box and trying to move the box around (with snap being turned on or off) the text box seems to be jumping unable to follow the cursor. I'm not sure if this is related to the change in preferences and perhaps has an easy solution. The version running is 2.2.0 (latest just upgraded) settings are unchanged and it's the very first document I created. Any guidance to fix this one would be appreciated. I attached a video demonstrating the issue. Thanks again, I look forward to your update. publisher moving text box not smooth.mp4
  5. Hey there, when panning using Photo for some reason the image does not pan smoothly as expected instead it jumps as if the software or the machine could not handle the image size type of thing. The file loaded is 1mb 1000x1000px 72 dpi RGB With Affinity Designer panning a document is perfectly smooth regardless of its complexity. When using Publisher, also the panning is not happening smoothly as with Designer. My machine is a macbook pro M1 max, 10 cores, 64gb memory, running monterey 12.2.1. I have reviewed all the preferences in photo and publisher and modifying them does not seem to help. Could you please advise if this is a bug or expected or if there is a fix or work around? Thanks team 20230921170258.mp4
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