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  1. It’s been a while since I’ve used illustrator and if anything I was trying to decrease file size. Does illustrator just generate larger file sizes or have additional settings that could increase it?
  2. I was also confused by the requirement. They didn’t give any raster upload options, so I don’t know why the file size would matter. I don’t use Adobe right now, because I only design very part time and can’t justify the subscription cost. They sent me back an ai file that was larger and I’m curious how they got it to increase because in affinity there was nothing I could do to make it larger. Side note, if eps is becoming dated, what is the best way for affinity users to deliver files?
  3. I’m stumped on something and looking for an explanation. I have a simple one color logo saved as an eps. The file size is less than 30kb. My client needed to upload a file for production of promotional padfolios that were going to be debossed. The upload required a file 500kb or higher. I couldn’t figure out any way to get a vector file over 50kb. I emailed the company the logo and they sent back an ai file that was 1.2mb. What am I missing here? How do you think they created a larger file?
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