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  1. Hi, i would like to know, if there is way to write excat size of a column in Table panel and dont affect other columns? I know the Hold Shift and Drag method, but i prefer to write exact numbers. Is it possible or not? Thank you very much
  2. Yes, thats the right tool@Aammppaa Thank you very much Not exactly this, but i thought this. And for this purpose Contour tool is perfect. Thank you very much for help!
  3. Hello, i would like to ask for a little help or advice. I have worked with AutoCAD for about 10 years. There is a function call Equidistant, which create a copy of a shape in the constantly same distance. Could you help to achieve me something simililar to AutoCAD? For example i attached picture of a shape i would like to copy in the equidistant way. So in every place there will be the same distance between lines. Is it possible to do that in Affinity Designer? Thank you very much
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