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  1. Yes, thank you, the solution suggested by walt.farrell did the job perfectly.
  2. Exactly that. Is there an easy way to break the text to do that?
  3. I have the same problem, but I don't think a frame break solves it. The issue is as follows: I have a 250-page long text stream with graphics. I also have a series of 250 pages with different master pages applied, eg each new chapter is on the right and has a fancy chapter heading. If I change the format of something on page 1, eg add space under a heading text style, then the ripple-through effect means that by page 50 or so, the text stream gets out of sync with the pages it flows through, so graphics are in the wrong place and new chapter text doesn't line up with the chapter pages. Obviously, it gets worse as you get further through the book. With the benefit of hindsight, I would have had 14 different chapters and stitched them together into a book. Each new piece of text would then have acted as a "fire break" and reduced the ripple through. Does that explain the problem? I've added a screenshot that may help. All advice is gratefully received.
  4. That was it. I would never have found it. Thanks very much.
  5. Hi, I'm indexing a book. For some reason the "group page ranges"function isn't working for me. See the attached video. I'd expect 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 to become 15 - 19, but instead I get 15 - 18, 19 I've tried stripping out all of the index markers but that didn't change anything. I'd be grateful if somebody could let me know what I am doing wrong. Thank you Screen Recording 2023-05-15 at 13.53.27.mov
  6. Done, thank you
  7. Hi Dan C was looking at something for me, but he is on holiday. Here is the thread If somebody could send me a private link and have a look at the file I'd be grateful Thank you
  8. If you wouldn't mind sending me a private link I'd be grateful. I tried cutting the file down but just ended up with something that was unstable. Thanks for your help.
  9. The movie below might help explain what I am doing. 37 seconds of cinematic joy. Thank you Footnotes.mov
  10. Thanks for everybody's responses. Very helpful. I am formatting a book that I imported from MS Word. In Word, it has a couple of hundred references that are formatted as a combination of endnotes and footnotes. When I import it, by default publisher sets them all to endnotes. So my task is to find and convert about 50 notes back to footnotes. When I find the relevant note, I right-click select notes>convert_notes and then convert as per the image below. That all works perfectly, but periodically publisher resets them all back to endnotes. I thought it was me being cack-handed as you could do that easily from the dialogue box if you weren't careful. However, I have just managed to change them all back to endnotes by changing the number of lines following a heading in the text styles editor. I have experimented with it a little bit, and if I change a text style which changes the flow of the text, then the notes revert back to their original style (end in my case). Any thoughts (other than stop faffing with your styles :)) would be gratefully received. Thank you
  11. Hi, I'm having similar problems. I have a document with multiple footnotes and endnotes, and I have managed to delete them 2 or 3 times. I think it is happening after I've inserted pages, though I may be wrong. I am using Document-Wide as I'd have thought that sets the default "Document-Wide". If somebody could suggest what I am doing wrong, I'd be grateful. I'm getting a bit bored of copying and pasting notes repeatedly. Thank you very much
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