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  1. Ah yes, that definitely looks like it could help. Definitely going to watch through that one. Thanks for the help!
  2. Hi @Komatös Thank you for responding. I actually do have the vectors but simply using an outline is not the solution I am looking for. I don't want to have to create an outline on specific parts and adjust it to the background color, but actually have that part be "cut" out from the shapes as needed. I actually found a roundabout way at this point. I segment the curves into parts, copy+paste them, use the contour tool to create a "vector outline shape" so to speak and then use that to subtract it from shape where needed. Its really roundabout but so far the only solution I found. This is what I achieved with using pixel masks, that I want to achieve while staying completely vector. This is going to take a while
  3. Hey so, I am trying to recreate something I made a while back as vector. Also switched to the affinity suite so I am absolutely new here. Basically, how do I get from one image to the other. Obviously I can use the pixel persona to use masks, but I want to stay vector-based.
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