Same Affinity V1 files which were very smooth back then is now stuttering in V2, moreover when V1 applications stutters it's just the program which crashes. V2 is slowing down my entire computer I can't click out or switch applications or even use my keyboard, the letters on screen appear much later after typing. This wasn't the case for V1 even V1 would slow down or crash but it wouldn't take my PC with it. The files I'm working on are very light there's not many layers or operations in it, yet V2 is struggling to keep up.
I also noticed copy/paste issue in PHOTO V2, layers that I copy from Designer V2 aren't pasting in PHOTO V2 workspace, I get an error that "this object cannot be formatted for PHOTO"
This wasn't the case within the V1 suite.
My computer configuration is:
Windows 10 Professional (Build 19044)
Intel i5-9400F
Nvidia GTX 1660
16GB RAM (8x2, 3000mhz)
240GB SSD (C Drive)
1TB HHD (Media Drives)
Gigabyte H310M S2 2.0