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  1. I have uploaded the file to dropbox. Thank you for taking a look. I am in the process of converting all my files over from Adobe and learning Affinity along the way. I do believe that this is the issue and if I change the 'All Spreads' to Pages, the issue is resolved. I am not sure why it has decided to do this but I am happy for any and all feedback. My documents are a bit of a mess (apologies) but I am trying something new and my OCD makes me get a little carried away with regards to how many things I try at any given time.
  2. I am happy for this to be uploaded to a private dropbox. I have tried changing the page sizes again but it just keeps reverting back. I am fairly new to Affinity and just hope I am not being a numpty and have accidentally ticked (or unticked) some box or other and wasting peoples' time. Not sure about if the sizing issue since it PDFs normally. Just trying to figure things out and I believe the size is the issue. For some reason it is showing pages 2 and 3 as one page. If I choose pages instead of spreads in 'area' and then select page 2 in 'page' it seems to fix the error. I have no idea why it has done this but it seems to fix the error. Apologies if this was posted unnecessarily.
  3. No idea. I created a 6 page document and no idea why it changes. Sometimes the page shows correctly and sometimes it doesn't. Nothing was changed. I am just adding elements.
  4. I have looked and found no other info regarding my problem. I am creating a six page document of A5 size. I am placing (on separate layers) text, images, background and borders (for printing). The first page has no issues and works when exporting to png. The second and third appear squashed and the background is not visible. I am unsure what I am doing wrong as none of the page settings have changed from the first page. I saved & exited. The second page worked, I did a little extra on page 3, came back to 2 and it was squashed again. I figure it surely cannot be something I am doing wrong (I hope) since it worked once then reverted back again. I don't know where to start to try and fix and issue that isn't consistent.
  5. Hi Dan C Sorry it has taken so long to respond. I purchased the latest version and the .IDML files seem to open fine now, perhaps it may have been a version conflict? Either way, they seem to be working fine now. I cannot believe how much fun the Affinity programs are. I am very new as I have used the InDesign suite since about 2005. Just wish I had heard about Affinity years ago. I just love it. Everything is just so simple and intuitive.
  6. I am planning on moving over from InDesign to Affinity. I got a trial for 10 days, began saving my InDesign files as idml but when I try to open them in Affinity it tells me it is not a supported format, saving them as packages gives me a pdf which again, is not helpful. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
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