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  1. They seem pretty close to what I’m experiencing but I I only click install once. Maybe I should just wait for official update of 2.6.
  2. Affinity photo beta keeps quitting. Fix other than relying on Apple to fix?
  3. I would like a smooth tool that we can select from the tool section like illustrator. When I click a point to smooth with the current smooth feature it just bends the whole line out of place a lot of the time. I think a smooth tool would be much “smoother” 😉and better.
  4. Im simply trying to invert the gaussian blur layer so I can paint along the edges of the person but it keeps turning entire artboard grey which is the background color. Help appreciated. I included a screen recording and my document. 2023-04-02 17-23-14.mp4 3EDIT.afphoto
  5. So Im removing wrinkles from a shirt with frequency separation but first I removed a logo with the impaintng brush. Now when I use clone stamp tool on area where logo was removed, the logo shows up again. Im wondering how I can fix this. pexels-mediawsEDIT.afphoto
  6. The opacity is doing something weird where 0% now equals 100% opacity and 100% equals 0%. can someone help with this? Im trying to make a shadow on the right side of the camera 1.afphoto
  7. Thanks for the help and sorry for the big file size. I realize I could have shared only the first layer image.
  8. In a photoshop tutorial the whitepoint color picker found in the levels dialog box is used on the earrings background to make it pure white. Is there an alternative method to this in affinity photo? 222670981_WhiteBackground-1.afphoto
  9. Really need an Arc option for warp tool as seen in this screenshot of photoshop. In the photoshop tutorial the instructor uses the arc option to bend the bottom of the upside down product in order to make it fit or match the bottom of the top copy so she can make a reflection of the product. In affinity photo I have to bend both corner point which shrinks the whole image.
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