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  1. Hi all! Have a nice autumn! I've been doing seamless patterns lately in AD, here's one I printed on a linen- cotton blend fabric and sewed it into a toaster cover! I did a post to Behance about it too: https://www.behance.net/gallery/151949147/Minimal-ink-fruit-seamless-pattern Actually I opened Spoonflower shop selling my patterns on fabrics and wallpaper ( actually with peel off wallpaper its possible to do all sorts of crafts), if anyone is interested to see the shop ( don't feel pressured to buy), the link is here > https://www.spoonflower.com/profiles/neonbeanstudio Cheers!
  2. Hi! Thanks for your reply, yes, I enabled smart objects from preferences before starting all this thingy… is it hopeless..?😔
  3. Hi everyone! I`m facing problem here with my my mockup file. So the file format is PSDT and this doesn´t open in Affinity Photo. To solve I tried to save this file in Photoshop as: Save as > PSD file, but it somehow saves it as PSD image file , even though it showed also its just regular PSD file. The problem here is that the smart object layer is not reacting as it should be and its showing it in AP as pixel layer, in PS it shows it as linked to down masked object, but in AP its just embedded layer and under it is no mask. Thats why mockup dont work at all, I dunno how to get smart objects form PS to AP correctly.... first 2 pics are Photoshop and other 2 Affinity Photo If anyone knows what I could try, it would be big help! Cheers!
  4. Thank you! You can give us heads up for these dangerous plant species, any specifications?
  5. Well, I would add it here, but since its made with another software, I think it would be not appropriate…🥕
  6. Thanks a lot Iuli for kind words! I’m a bit confused, do you mean my “ Root Vegetables in Space” Illustration? That I would add it here? 😁 Have a sunny day!
  7. Hi, I’m Nora! I made this topic to share my illustrations with fellow creatives! I’ve been using Affinity Designer & Photo little over a year now, learning new things every day! Year 2020 end, I made a choice to follow my heart and become full time Illustrator / Surface Pattern Designer 🙌🏻, previously I had been working full time job in Tourism Industry. Even though I always did different crafts and projects next to my daily work, I never felt the courage before to let things go and be a full time artist. So here we go, I post some of my works here, these are from the end of 2021. Also if you would like to see my works as a full project, I have them here on my Behance: https://www.behance.net/psnora/projects I hope to hear from you others out there, if anyone had also similar story with me or if not , it would be still fun to hear from you.🎈
  8. Thanks a lot! Its works like magic now!
  9. Hi! I have tried over a week now to create dash pattern stroke on I pad in Affinity Designer but it doesn’t do anything. Just literally stays regular stroke and doesn’t move from there. >> Also Designer app crashed the other day so badly all my assets went missing, that was a bummer. >> And when I try to place a photo it blinks and often it doesn’t let me to choose photo at all, then I need to go around and save photo as a file to access it. Hope its ok, I put them all in one thread, I hope you get these things fixed fast! Btw, I’m happy that you guys did pattern layer, maybe more pattern related tools will come soon? Thanks in advance! Br, Nora
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