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  1. Thank you NotMyFault. I did play around with the suggestions in the post that you pointed out. Removing the auto-stretching did help me to manipulate the separate R, G & B layers and I am beginning to appreciate the non-destructive editing in AP. However, when I equalize all the colors, I still see none of the red nebulosity in the image as clearly seen with other viewers. IT SEEMS THAT THE RED DATA WAS LOST. ANY ADVICE APPRECIATED. I really cannot use AP for astrophotography with this problem unsolved.
  2. I am new to Astrophotography and image processing. I shot multiple unstacked images and opened them in Affinity Photo (AP). I used AP to stack the images. These were images directly from the camera with no pre-processing. I also loaded images already stacked by other software into AP. The result is always the same - the images are overwhelmingly green in AP while they appear as expected in other software. The histogram in AP appears to have lost parts of the color data. In the AP histogram, blue is much less intense than green and red is extremely weak (See attached file). The histogram of the same file in other programs has all 3 colors with similar intensities. ****Specifics**** I checked the Bayer settings that AP derived from the camera and this was RGGB, which is correct. I opened the images in the Astrophotography programs N.I.N.A. (which displays live images with no processing) and ASIstudio, which stacks. Both of these programs correctly displayed the images. I tried for a cumulative several hours to correct the images in AP to no avail. ****Enclosed image files**** show an Astrophotography image as it appears in AP, along with its histogram (on the left) and the same image in ASIstudio from ZWO, with its histogram (on the right). I also enclosed an example stacked FITS file which displays well in the other viewers but is intensely green in AP as shown in the first file attached. ****Prior similar cases that I found in the Forum**** AP apparently has a major problem correctly reading color data that is not a problem in other image processing software. This was discussed at length in the Forums (October 2021, Gary.Jones) when I searched "Green Cast". It was also discussed (February 2018, Green tractor). This issue, despite multiple back-and-forth posts in the Forum had no clear answer that I could detect for either of these cases. ****Importance level**** Affinity Photo is unusable with this very popular line of cameras (ZWO) as long as this problem has not been solved. This is a colossal bug, the likes of which I have never seen to persist, even in rather amateur freeware. I sincerely want to continue using Affinity Photo and to begin singing its praises to others. I also sincerely hope that you can either fix this problem or publish a work-around. My last post was also on this issue. The feedback was completely ineffective. It instructed me to watch a video that I had already seen. Carefully following the instruction in that video did not fix the problem. autosave_stacked.fit
  3. I am trying to fix an excessive green cast in an AP image. I viewed the video by Mr. Ritson and find it, and many of the other videos extremely frustrating. Note that (in his video) Mr. Ritson is adding an adjustment layer to the green pixel layer in this video. When I open my Light files they open with a curves adjustment, levels adjustment and background layer. There are no R,G, or B pixel layers. I have probably spent at least 2 - 3 hours searching to find out how to display these R,G and B pixel layers so I can get to the starting point of this video. In my own job, I teach way below my expertise level to students in other specialties. You need to create a starting point and intensely cover the basics of how you got there. Mr. Ritson knows this software intimately. Unfortunately, he is not starting from scratch and this makes the videos extremely hard to follow. Dumb it down because most users will take a long, long time to get to Mr. Ritson's level. I personally don't have the time to do that for a hobby. I DO VALUE Affinity Photo because I see its potential. I have never used Photoshop. I have had Affinity for some time and every time I try to do simple stuff, I get lost in the videos. There are too many illogical twists and too much complex detail. Have you thought of having a mini-series of beginner videos done by someone who has no experience with photo editing and who is a relative beginner at Affinity? Mr. Ritson's approach is great for advanced users. Then there is the rest of us... For now - how do I get from my screen to the video starting point (both my screen and video screen are attached.
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