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  1. Thank you for your reply- so whilst messaging you we tried something and its worked!! it turns we think canva have had an update..... and this effected all the sizing!!! so right now the problem has been sorted! big thank you for your help though
  2. Hi thanks for the reply- we have spent hours trying to sort it out!!! So the issue is that we have a template for making mugs which has always been the same size, we came to make one and the image is tiny or massive and if we stretch it it becomes pixilated. (this may not be a AD issue) we use canva to design. Attached pics of what it should look like and how it is currently placing. (we new to this and still very new to AD!) many thanks D69523FF-7F3E-4B19-A856-ED5031F7D536.heic 41CF4FFF-5F14-4F25-9E61-821F2E6B48AE.heic
  3. help please!! we have been using AD since October with no problem, suddenly the sizing and placing has changed- we design and make mugs and we can't do that right now. We have restarted everything, template sizing all normal and still the image when placed is tiny (normally it fits perfectly) we have watched so many tutorials and still can't do it! many many thanks
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