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  1. Re your file not opening from your OneDrive. I had a similar problem & was told that Publisher doesn't like doing that, so sometimes when the file gets saved to OneDrive, it can get corrupted. So, do you keep a copy in the OneDrive as well as the online version? As that was my problem, I keep all my files online, as I thought it was safer but I'm disappointed that the Publisher file gets corrupted when saving online. If you go to your OneDrive online, you might find an earlier version of your file, hopefully.
  2. For PC users it's this route: (C:) / Users / Drive or name / .affinity / Publisher / 2.0 / autosave
  3. Yes, I have the file but it said it couldn't save it as I didn't have permission. Ironically, I eventually saved it as a Template, just thought of it & it worked. Then after saving it as that, I managed to save the file as an updated version with Publisher (2.5.2) extn. Sorry I didn't save the error message. I can't provide the file as it's confidential. The file is stored in the Cloud Windows 10 Pro I shall be opening it again soon, as I want to see why it won't list the numbers for the numbering Master. It did at first but they were only on alternate pages. So made e the file as single pages & then it wouldn't list any numbers. I have never had any problem with numbering before this latest update, so concluded it was either a bug or some teething problems. I will let you know if the problem persists. Thanks, Susie
  4. Just tried to save as a Template, thinking I could open it & try again. So saved as a template (new version of file) The saved as an ordinary publisher file & it saved! Whoopee! No idea what is going on!
  5. I opened a file to continue working on it. Added a new master for Numbering. Entered the field for page numbers Then discovered that nothing was showing even though there is a style for the numbers So, I tried to save the file & work on it tomorrow but now cannot save the file. It says I do not have the right to save it. Then said that it cannot be saved. I have the latest version of Publisher 2.5.2 So I have lost all the work that I spent the last hour creating. Not happy at all.
  6. Hi Tomaso, Sorry, I forgot to say, when I Added from File first, before I then added the PDF, all the settings stayed i.e. DPI, Pixels, Colour, bleed etc. So, yes, it all worked Susie
  7. Wow this is good. If I add the Page from File, which has its own Master (with all the settings, image & text boxes) into a Blank document in Publisher, all the settings & the Master come over correctly. Then when I Add pages from File for the Pdf, those pages come in & don't disrupt anything. All I must do then, is just assign the Master to those from the PDF. Brilliant! Thank you, Thomaso, you've solved my problem! Susie
  8. Hello Thomaso, I thought you may have been on the right track here. However, after opening Publisher, I open a PDF document, so all the pages are now sitting inside Publisher. I then Add pages from File (as you suggested), it opens & I add the pages I wanted. But this is strange. The pages have the items I want (guides, image & text placement boxes) but the pages & the Master I added from the File, now don't have the original settings, it has change from inches to points & the DPI has change from 400dpi to 72dpi. Do you have any idea why that would be? Thanks, Susie
  9. Hi Walt, I want to import a PDF document & then use a Master Page to create a specific layout. Hence the request I made, if can I use a pre-made Master page. But although you can create a template with a Master Page included in it, I wanted to know if you can import a pdf document into that but I'm guessing, not! Probably then, the only way would be to just copy & paste the text from the document into a pre-made Publisher document (that already has the Master Page included). This would be a very long-winded way of doing it. I will try & see how quickly I can set it up. Thanks for your response. Susie
  10. Hello to you both & thank you for that suggestion. Yes, I realise I can do that but what happens when I want to import a PDF. Can you import a pdf to a created publication that has a Master page already? Or can you add a template to a publication? I will have to try both scenarios, but I don't think it will work It would make more sense if we could import saved Master pages. Perhaps, this is for the Suggestion box? Thanks Guys, you Rock!
  11. Hi there Support, I have searched but can't find the answer, so here's my question: I have created a publication & also created Master Pages for it. Now I want to create another Publication but use the same & add more Master Pages. So, is there a way to create Master Pages & save them as Templates, that we can use in other Publications we create? Thanks, Susie
  12. Hello Nathan, Thank you for your suggestions The 1st one didn't work unfortunately. I wonder why there isn't a reset option within Publisher? But the 2nd one did. I made a blank Publisher file & then reloaded it as Text Styles & they all came back ok I do have some issues with Nvidia as at the moment as I can't update all of the updates that are due; I have run out of space on my C:\ drive (SSD). I either need to add a new one (horrible thought at the work this will involve) or get a new PC (too expensive). I currently do not have Hardware Acceleration in Edit > Preferences > Performance ticked, as my Graphics card is not supported, it is also too old; NVidia GeForce GTX 750 Ti. My PC is high spec but 7 years old Arrh! So thank you again, Susie1001
  13. Can anyone help please? I am trying to make a Table of Content, however, even after adding the Heading 1 to all headers of my pages, it will not make any Table of Contents. When I open a new file, there is a long list of Text Styles but when I go back to my project there are only a few & they don't seem to be working. So, how can I reset my Text Styles back to the original list? 1). I did a Repair to the software & that didn't change anything. 2). There is still a missing DLL file from the software that isn't fixed even after doing repair through windows for missing DLL's. (see attached image) So, I'm thinking that the Heading 1 that is in my Text Styles of my Project is not the correct one & needs to be reset. Please can anyone help? Thanks
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