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Posts posted by okmike

  1. I downloaded the trial to see if it is significantly better than v. 1, and the file was a msix, I had to google how to open it.

    The first thing I did was open my last file and attempt to change style of a paragraph. I put the cursor on the text, and hit the "MyQuote" style and nothing happened, just the same as with version 1.

    I got into the habit of creating two styles exactly alike, because the text would not update when I updated a style, so I had to click some other style then back to the one I wanted again and the paragraph would update.

    But for some reason it does not want to do that now. I have the text set for New times roman, which is what it was in the original .docx file before I imported, but for some reason it shows up as Bell MT. So I click the style I have set and it will not change.

    I am NOT going to go through a 300 page book and select each section of quoted text and change the font.

    I will NOT BUY THIS PROGRAM and I am going to change back to MS Publisher. I am tired of swearing at this program.



  2. 29 minutes ago, phillychuck said:

    I would have no problem rebuying v2 if I owned v1 for any amount of time, but to ask someone to buy it twice to get any sort of future features within 90 days is sad.  Sure, tons of people benefitted for years of v1 support, not me.

    I have no received any upgrade offer, purchased 9/22/22 from your store (not App Store)..

    Same here, a trail version would also be nice to see if it is worth the upgrade. As it is, I would not buy V. 1 again.

  3. I am doing a book, and on the bottom right-hand page the last line is a bold heading, which I do not want at the bottom:617991860_2022-09-0511_48_15-Window.png.3311bfcd13c119ad7c8ae7895c9ff695.png

    So I put a paragraph return at the start of the last line, and what does it do? It forces the paragraph return onto the top of the next page. 1268409246_2022-09-0511_47_39-Window.png.0934551e197ed1034604501aae723968.png

    I do not have flow settings like "keep with last" anything. I have it set for "anywhere."


  4. That is when many users want to change styles? Yeah, if you are creating a poster, or an advert, but this program is not image maker or photoshop or some designer program it is "Publisher," which mean LOTS of text which is mostly going to be the same.

    And why would you want to set it up so that when you hit return it goes to that other style? That would only be useful if you are going back and forth between two styles all the time. LOL WHO DOES THAT? Not when you are doing a book.

    There are literally millions of indie authors out there who need a really good program to use to produce their books for Amazon. Then there are the millions of students producing a thesis.

    This program should be set up for PUBLISHERS not for advertisers.

  5. There is a lot I like about this program, but it is so aggravating in many ways. I have a text style that I want to use for the main body and delete all unused styles. I have a page up and with one line of nothing on it set to the right style, but when I hit the return key it creates another line of a different style! At the start of a chapter I want 7 lines, I cannot just hit the return 7 times, sometimes it works but often it will jump to some other style I don't even have. Here is a shot of the no style it creates. Notice the top part it says "Font: Arial; Font weight:" That is not even there until I hit the return, but I hit the return several times successfully then it jumped to the other. THIS IS A REAL PAIN.

    2022-05-13 09_06_08-Window.png

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