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  1. I am not sure if I tried it or not but I ended up giving up (because I had to export a page) and quitting the app without saving the file. Luckily when I relaunched it, it asked me if I wanted to restore the last file/session so i clicked yes. Now everything functions like it did two days ago. Thanks to all those who tried to help. I would have liked to investigate further and find a solution to the issue but a deadline was coming and was going to begin from scratch if I had to; luckily the session restore function saved me a lot of work!
  2. @R C-R @walt.farrell Thanks for the answers. I put the laptop to sleep and turned it back on in the morning. I also didn't turn off any of the Affinity apps. Didn't change any settings or installed any new fonts before noticing this. I only changed a security setting(allowing Publisher to full disk access) after seeing it recommended on a forum post here to a similar issue but it didn't help so far. It feels like when I click the export or the save button it tries to open the pop up window maybe even opens it in the backend but I am unable to see anything. I tried connecting an external monitor to see if it tries showing the window on another monitor but didn't see it there neither. I am not using the Appstore versions of the Affinity apps. Hope this helps.
  3. I believe I am experiencing the same issue reported down below. I can't save my work nor export it in Publisher. Exporting used to work fine yesterday. Running latest version of macOS on Apple Silicon with Affinity Publisher 1.10.4.
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