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  1. Title & screenshot says it all, i am going crazy over this. How can i export pixel perfect in this software Any suggestion is highly appreciated. Kind Regards Patrick https://gyazo.com/186f219fdbbad746cf831ef07853533a IDK if its relevant but it also happens with with normal shapes, not only with fonts. https://gyazo.com/c77449c517572d4c1409f252e54a542d
  2. Thank you both I thought that it could be an anti alasing issue, i was just not sure how to handle it, but know that i know i can just find out how i place the objects not "inbetween pixels" The export persona helps, yes, still it seems a bit tedious, but no software is perfect... Kind regards Joschi
  3. Hi, i am currently using the trial of affinity designer and so far i really like the tool. However, there are 2 things that keeping me from buying it: 1) How do i batch export groups? I have made a lot of grafics for a game, grouped them and now i want to export them to single files (png) However it seems that i have to manually select each groupt, then go to the export dialogue, then set the area to "selection only" then export it, rinse and repeat. This eats soooo much time if you have to export 100 elements! I understand that i could create an artboard for each element, which at least saves the time in for the next export after i changed some elements... Is there a better way to do it? In Inkscape for example i can export each grouped object as a single file. 2) I have a grafic consisting of 2 simple shapes. They are snaped together. When i export them as PNG there seems to be a line between those 2 shapes. This does not happen when i export the whole document, but only when i export a selection. How can i prevent this? Can i change something in the settings? Left export, right affinity designer 3) The programm seems to be really laggy with some more elements on the screen especially when moving an element. I googled the problem and came up that for my graficscard there is currently no hardware acceleration (OpenCL) When will this be fixxed? Dont get me wrong, the programm is easy to learn and really well made but all that does not help me when in the end i need more time because of bad performance and if the exports not look what they should look. Kind regards Joschi
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