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  1. Sorry, I hadn't seen your previous response. Thank you so much.
  2. Affinity already includes French and German dictionaries. This does not happen with Basque (Euskara). I have done my experiments and have managed to install some Basque dictionaries, but I would like if there is an “official” way to do it.
  3. Hi. My english is very limited, sorry. I work with bilingual documents: Spanish and Basque. How can I add Basque? Preflight points out all the words in Basque as errors.
  4. Hi. My english is very limited, sorry. Is it possible for Publisher to prevent the pdf from being exported when there is overflow text?
  5. Hola. Sí que comete errores de partición: comp-render. En un libro de 90 páginas, parece que es el único error, pero te hace sentir inseguro con los resultados de Publisher.
  6. Unfortunately, this is something that prevents me from changing from ID to AP. And I'm crazy to leave ID. And I bought my Affinitty license almost two years ago…
  7. Hi. My english is very limited, sorry. Solution for hyphenation in Basque (Euskera): https://affinity.help/publisher/en-US.lproj/index.html?page=pages/Text/hyphenationInstalling.html?title=Installing hyphenation dictionaries https://extensions.libreoffice.org/en/extensions/show/xuxen-iv-basque-eu-eu-es-eu-fr-spell-checker-for-libreoffice Rename the folder with the name "eu" (without the quotes) Today I found this solution and it seems to work fine.
  8. Hi. My english is very limited, sorry. More than a year since the 1.10 update… Is everything okay? Best.
  9. "(...)My point was that there is nothing inherently wrong or stupid about the spread origin.(...). I agree with this, but I miss the option to choose the origin of the rules.
  10. " "(...)If you want to treat each page as a single item (...)". In other programs this has been possible for more than 30 years and is what I am used to.
  11. Old dog habits… This is how I worked in QuarkXPress 30 years ago and the same thing later with InDesign…
  12. Thanks for your rapid support. But doing that I lose the origin x=0 on the left page. I want to have both pages with an origin x=0 (like in InDesign)
  13. Hi. My english is very limited, sorry. Working with facing pages how I can see left and right pages with X=0 and Y=0 (Affinity Publisher)?
  14. With the two changes I have made (see attached image) I have been able to open the document but only the cover is loaded, the rest of the pages are blank and the macos “beach ball” keeps spinning. I have already exceeded the 10 minute wait.
  15. Hi. My english is very limited, sorry. With this update I can't open idml with 56 or more pages. Publisher crashes. Is this just me? TU_620.idml
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