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  1. Sorry by delay at answer. In the latest version (2.0.4) don't have ocurred this problem. I believe that it fixed.
  2. After various tests, I believe that problem occurs with SVG files (in my case linked or embedded). When I change files SVG by PNG or JPEG, the exportation runs ok.
  3. I don't think so. I always worked with version 1 using the same location, and this problem never happened.
  4. Hi,I'm having this problem with Publisher version 2, don't work PDF exportation In approprieted way sometimes. I use Windows 10, updated (22H2). My laptop doesn't support version 11. It has 16Gb of RAM. Core i7-6500, and Intel Graphics 520 card.I believe that this problem is linked to the insertion of figures and graphics, even if they are linked, when reopening the file, the figures disappear at times, leaving only the space reserved for them. I found it strange when I looked at the properties of a linked graph, the DPI information was negative and very strange. I'll see if I can get a print to attach.
  5. Hi, I'm having this problem with Publisher version 2, not version 1. I use Windows 10, updated (22H2). My laptop doesn't support version 11. It has 16Gb of RAM. Core i7-6500, and Intel Graphics 520 card. I believe that this problem is linked to the insertion of figures and graphics, even if they are linked, when reopening the file, the figures disappear at times, leaving only the space reserved for them. I found it strange when I looked at the properties of a linked graph, the DPI information was negative and very strange. I'll see if I can get a print to attach.
  6. I'm having the same problem here. It was a rather small file, with some graphics and figures, which were incorporated into the file, and it did not export to PDF. I moved all the pictures to the same folder as the file, and changed them all from embedded to linked. The PDF was generated quickly with no issues.
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