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  1. So the new update is broken and you want us to spend, quite some time providing you details before you investigate the issue. It's your software that is broken.
  2. open new file freezes in Afinity Photo after upgrade / windows 10
  3. Is this problem fixed, as I cannot export to psd and this problem arose in 2017?
  4. Spent a ton of time designing a highway billboard with Affinity Designer. Ready to send to the printer and i cannot export to PSD or PDF. I get the error, "An error has occurred while exporting to..." Supposed to go to the printer today, so not a great first impression. There are 3 files the main billboard design is 1.6GB, (are you serious?) i have attached a small portion of the sign, as that is a smaller file size. And very basic design. Please advise how to export to psd, and reduce the enormity of the design file? highway-merritt-cell-phone-FINAL.afdesign
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