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  1. Hey @Gabe, thanks for taking care of this bug. Yes it is a bug and no feature request. It is correct that my ticket also contains a feature request, namely to clear the cache manually if necessary. Nevertheless the real problem is a bug: the publisher writes his cache file uncontrolled until the disk is full and crashes the system, brings it to a standstill etc.. No application should be allowed to unhindered and uncontrolled cache file writing. So please move the post to the bug forum. Thanks!
  2. Hey @Gabe, sorry! But for me its not a feature. Its a bug. Everything should be considered a bug if it does not appreciate the expected behavior on a specific OS or does not follow the official OS guidelines (https://developer.apple.com/design/human-interface-guidelines/macos/). Thanks for responding! Greetings
  3. Hey @Gabe, thanks for your quick response. My .afpub files are just around 30MB. They have about 200 pages with ~ 150++ Tiff Images (16bit, ZIP) [sum > 14GB in total]. I think its not the filesize in general, more the amount of work (downsampling, jpg-compression etc) that needs to be done. I let it run several times for > 20minutes just to make sure; but nothing happend, except BeachBall and "Application is not responding" in the Activity Monitor. Its happening on different project files, with different machines (Catalina) and as well with the latest stable version. Thanks!
  4. Hey, Description: The following is expected UI behavior and currently not possible in the guides manager: Select more than one entry Delete them with backspace Use arrows to navigate up or down Enter "Edit Mode" with ENTER or when begin typing Greetings
  5. Hey, Description: If you work the whole day with comparatively simply structured but large projects (>150 images, TIFF 16bit zip, but in total only 14gb in size), the PersonaBackstore.dat grows to well over 100GB. (Edit: It grows well while exporting. After some exports its over 100GB in size). This can become a problem on the road if only internal storage space is available. The Disk Usage Warning is not helpful because it only informs about it and does not offer a solution. Neither does it tell the unsuspecting user where the filesystem is located nor does it offer any solutions. Solution: Either the file must be deleted immediately after closing a project and/or a dialog (similar to PSD and Co.) for manual reset of this file and/or a setting for the location (External SSD etc..) (similar to PSD and Co.) must be introduced. Why not (similar to PSD) allow multiple Scratch Disk locations. Especially monitoring whether the file system is slowly filling up would be helpful for the overall stability of the system. Greetings!
  6. Hey, Bug: The setting Settings->Performance->View Quality cannot be permanently set to "Nearest Neighbour (Fastest)". After a restart of the Publisher it will automatically reset to "Best Quality". Greetings!
  7. Hey, Bug: Open a larger project (this is necessary so that saving takes a while). Save the project with CMD+S and choose File->Export immediately. Beach Ball. Greetings!
  8. 1) Select "view -> studio -> swatches" 2) Add a custom {system, application, document} color palette 3) Add a few colors swatches 4) Change order of swatches -> Crash Version: Reproducable on latest macOS Catalina as well as latest macOS Mojave with Pusblishers latest stable version as well as Beta crash.mp4
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