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Everything posted by SPaceBar

  1. You're welcome @S.Capri I'm glad you're enjoying using the Affinity Suite and thanks for volunteering too.
  2. Thanks for the video @DarkClown we are aware of the issue, and I have passed your video on to development.
  3. Hi @S.Capri Thanks for uploading the file Sandra, you're welcome. I have managed to recreate your issue. When an AI file is saved it is saved with two streams of data: Illustrator native stream and also a PDF stream. As we cannot read the illustrator native stream we have to read the PDF stream. However the PDF stream has an embedded subset of the fonts, and right now we don't have the ability to load embedded fonts. However this is something we would like to look at in the future. Depending on your needs and if you don't need an editable file - a hi-res png file can work well instead. The .ai file would need to be opened in Adobe Illustrator and exported as a hi-res png.
  4. @jeffreydevey Thanks, that's great and will be a big help. I will pass it on to development. 👍
  5. Hi @S.Capri Welcome to the forums. I have created a link to our Internal Dropbox account for you to upload your files: https://www.dropbox.com/request/vc6mREfBrk7EwGuB51iB Let me know when they are there and I will take a look for you: Thanks
  6. Hi @zimmt Would you be able to upload your document and the font you are using to dropbox please? https://www.dropbox.com/request/AqoOUeJG8I6iFChwHeYH Let me know when you've done it and I'll take a closer look. Thanks
  7. Hi @PRJehle Welcome to the forums. Would you be able to attach a screen recording so we can see it as it happens please? It would be a huge help if you could enable the onscreen keyboard for the video so can see what keys are being pressed and when.
  8. Thanks for the screen recordings both of you, and the tip @DM1 - I should have mentioned that. I'm not seeing this on my iPad Pro 2020 model but my colleagues have found it on previous models. I am going to log the issue but out of interest @jeffreydevey what iPad model are you using? You can work around it by changing your settings - Preferences > Interface > Automatically Hide UI > Toggle it to off.
  9. Glad you were able to work around the issue, I was also able to recreate it. Could you attach a copy of the document you were using? I would like to pass it on to development to be looked into.
  10. Hi @R C-R Thanks for sharing this, it has been passed on to documentation and a task has been logged.
  11. Hi @DarkClown Can you give me the steps you took to get to this please? Would you also be able to attach your document too? Thanks.
  12. Hi @jeffreydevey Sorry for the delay in replying. I was unable to recreate this by just tapping as described. Do you know if you had the flyout open when this happened?
  13. Hi @mactech Sorry for the delay in replying & welcome to the forum. I haven't been able to reproduce this. Would you be able to save and attach the afpub document and also attach the .docx file so I can take a look please?
  14. Hi @Pete C We've managed to recreate the issue and a bug has been logged. I would recommend using one of the other methods mentioned above as a workaround in the meantime.
  15. Hi @jeffreydevey Sorry for the delay in replying, is this issue now solved using one of the tips above?
  16. Hi @Aleksandar Kovač Sorry for the late reply. Thanks for sharing this issue and congrats on finding the limit. The issue has been logged.
  17. Hi @broadcast Is there any chance you could attach the afpub file? Also what version of publisher are you using.
  18. Hi @PeteC Welcome to the forum. Can I check what version of Publisher you are using please?
  19. Hi @odkhuu Sorry to hear you are having this issue. Would you be able to provide us with a screen recording so we can see it in action please? Out of interest, does it still happen if you close the Appearance panel?
  20. Hi @catlover Sorry for the delay in replying. We haven't been able to replicate this here so could you attach a screen recording so we can see it in action please?
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