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  1. Hi MEB, sure, the propcol is attached to this answer. Hopefully that helps macros.propcol
  2. Hi MEB Sure, in the attachment you can find the afmacro file as well as a screen recording so you can see what I mean and maybe directly see if I miss doing an important step Bildschirmvideo_aufnehmen_2020-04-29_um_11_42_14.mov Macro for my timelapse.afmacro
  3. Just tried exporting and reimporting the macro and that works perfectly on a single picture. However I still cannot save it to the library afterwards hence it does not appear in the Batch processing ("Stapelverarbeitung"). I also tried to save the RAW (which already is in JPEG format on my computer, but I have to develop it in affinity photo before being able to access most tools and macros) as a JPEG and reopen the JPEG in Affinity Photo (so the "develop" step for RAWs was skipped) but it still does not work to make a macro and save it to the library. Strange, since it should be very easy according to the YouTube tutorials... I have no clue what may be the cause
  4. Exactly, the library (2 screenshot here) one is the last screenshot I took after saving the macro. Okay, thanks anyway.
  5. Well the screenshots are displayed huge on my page and in the wrong order. What you see is 1-3-2, so the last two screenshots are mixed. The macros you see are the default ones. And Affinity Photo is on version 1.8.3
  6. Good evening Walt, I translated the button I meant wrong then, I meant the Batch processing. I made screenshots of the exact steps I did for saving my macro, and it is not appearing anywhere. I'm using macOS 10.15.2 (Catalina) and bought the app in the AppStore. What do you mean with release of Photo? Thanks
  7. Good evening, I want to make a time-lapse and had my footing session today. Now I want to edit all photos in the same way, some saturation and contrast. Figured out it's so easy with macros. So I edited my first photo while recording a macro, so far so good. But when saving it to my library I can use the default category and give it a name. I click then on save and the library header opens with the default macros but my macro does not appear there nor does it appear after a restart of the program/selecting the stack image button where you can choose macros to apply on many pictures. Info: All >900 photos are RAWs and I had to click "develop" in the first one before being able to record a macro. Could this be the problem? Best regards and thank you! Julian
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