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  1. Hi All, here's an update from me, PaulMA. I have run through the MacWorld suggestions for 'servicing' a Mac: https://www.macworld.co.uk/how-to/mac/speed-up-slow-mac-3636548/. It included clearing caches (both hard drive and on Safari) plus other items which were common sense really. Anyway, after reboot my computer is certainly running faster, more 'crisply' if that makes sense. And the Wacom seems to be working far better, too. For your info
  2. Hi All, Today (27/03/20) I've downloaded the latest version of Affinity Photo (1.8.2) and then rebooted my Mac and, thankfully, the Wacom is now working ok with Affinity. As you can see from my earlier posts, I have adjusted my RAM usage to 46080MB; whether or not that has helped, I haven't a "Scooby". Just one other observation: in my Safari Preferences > Advanced, the "Stop plug-ins to save power" is ticked (active). Who knows if anything turns on that... Best wishes PaulMA
  3. Thanks, SRU, yes, given that my Wacom works with most other apps on my computer (including Photoshop), I'm wondering that it is a software issue with Affinity. Dan C, am I correct in thinking you are a staff member of Affinity? If you are, I'm sure you are disseminating this issue back to Affinity; please can you confirm that they are looking at this issue. Kind regards, PaulMA
  4. Thanks, markw, yes I have checked just now and I'm using the latest Wacom Mac driver as you have stated. Best wishes, PaulMA
  5. Thanks, Dan C, for an unknown reason my screenshot app, "Grab', will not allow me to screenshot the Affinity Preferences > Performance; as soon as I open Grab, the preferences window closes. So here they are in the old-fashioned way: RAM Usage Limit: 46080MB Disc Usage Warning At: 32768MB Undo Limit: 1024 View Quality: Bilinear (Best Quality) Dither Gradients & Use Precise Clipping are both not selected File Recovery Interval: 300 seconds Display: OpenGL Use Only Integrated GPU (requires restart) is not selected Retina Rendering: Automatic (Best) Hardware Acceleration is greyed out I hope this assists, best wishes, PaulMA
  6. Many thanks, Dan C & markw, I have checked that I haven't got any wireless mouse running (although I do switch one on and use it occasionally, just to make more precise adjustments in Affinity. But then I switch it off). And I am using the latest Wacom driver. The problem remains, unfortunately. I did wonder about the RAM Usage Limit in Affinity Preferences > Performance. Mine is set at 46080 MB at the moment - could it be that the Wacom tablet and/or pen is RAM 'hungry' and this causes the cursor 'lag'? Any further ideas would be gratefully accepted. Best wishes, PaulMA
  7. Using Affinity with Wacom Tablet I'm using Affinity on my Mac desktop with a Wacom Pro tablet and pen. I am finding that when using Affinity the pen does not correspond accurately with the cursor, causing the cursor to continue moving after the pen has been removed from the tablet. This is very frustrating when attempting to carry out fine adjustments, for example when using a Curves adjustment layer I am unable to carry out small adjustments because the cursor keeps moving after the pen has been removed from the tablet. I have been in touch with Wacom and run through their checks and the pen and tablet are working correctly. The pen and tablet also work fine with other apps on my computer. Has anyone any suggestions to correct this problem, please. Best wishes, PaulM
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