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  1. Now downloaded and installed Photo 2.5 Beta and no sign of the artefacts when loading Raw file. Thanks Guys.
  2. Hi Guys, I installed Photo 2.4.2 and tested. Hardware accn ticked and raw output format at 16 Bit resulted in artefacts Hardware accn unticked and raw output format at 16 Bit -no artefacts Hardware accn ticked and raw output format at 32 Bit HDR - no artefacts Hardware accn unticked and raw output format at 32 Bit HDR - no artefacts For now I'll just leave accn unticked.
  3. No, its Sony A7 RIII and ARW file attached. I have also opened the file in Affinity 1.10, saved as Affinity file then re-opened successfully in Affinity 2. Thanks DSC00515.ARW
  4. Hi, I have the exact same issue with 2.4. which I updated today.
  5. I have just upgraded Photo to 1.8 on a Dell laptop. I now experience issues with tone mapping which goes straight to "Detailed colour toned down" preset and does not permit choosing any other preset. Anybody experienced this and have solution.
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