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E Phan

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  1. Thanks so much! I kept trying to edit my styles to get it to work so I must have goofed something. I also noticed that at the top the font said ?Signika when I had my text selected, so I deleted my Signika font, installed the one you gave me, assigned styles to my questions and answers and got it to work! Question - What does the Paragraph "No Style" and a "No Style" mean? My Board Name, Question Title Paragraph, Board answer all have an a No Style attached to it and my school name and major fields both show paragraph and a No Style. Is that the default style settings for the paragraph or font style? I had issues with that not being checked on some of my question titles, which was making that appear as a wonky font. Thank you very very much! I REALLY appreciate it!
  2. The font I was trying to use was actually Signika (bold/light). I got a new iMac and installed Affinity and Signika on it so I could use the same font as I did with this template on my old computer. I really appreciate the help! Chase_Adams_file.afpub Signika 700.ttf Signika regular.ttf
  3. I recently got a new iMac and transferred over Affinity Publisher. I am using the same template that I used on my old iMac; however, the fonts do not look the same in the Affinity document compared to the exported document. See the screen shot document (screen shot from my Affinity page) compared to the pdf attachment. The pdf does not retain the bold font in the questions and the other headings, etc (name, school, 2021, etc) do not look as "thick" as the affinity document screen shot. I've exported both a small size pdf file and a pdf for print - both look the same. What can I do to fix this? Chase Adams preview.pdf
  4. My Affinity Publisher document has text boxes over a background and without the text brought to front, the text is difficult to read. When I move the text boxes to the front, it doesn't "keep," even if I save the document immediately afterwards. The next time I view that page and click on the text boxes, the "move to front" icon is enabled (did not keep the text box moved to front). How can I make the "move to front" permanent?
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