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  1. Just did that and the cursor went normal, so as it seems having a second monitor connected is the problem(?).
  2. No problem. Yes I have a NVIDIA card, haven't changed anything in the control panel though. Tried some other Programs, the cursor stayed normal, so it seems to only affect Affinity Designer.
  3. Yeah sure. I have two monitors connected right now, my main monitor is on normal 100% scale, the second one on 300%. Also thought that it might be because of that, but already disconnected the second one and restarted the computer, didn't change anything.
  4. Ah ok, don't have a drawing tablet connected right now so that isn't the problem, at least not for me. Tried reinstalling the program, but the problem is still there.
  5. Thanks for welcoming me. the tools right now are pretty big, which makes it hard to see some thinner lines, just wanted to know if it is possible to make them a bit smaller. Woulda thought that the option for it was "Tool Handle Size", but that doesn't seem to be it.
  6. Hey, I just switched to Affinity Designer and can't seem to find a option to reduce the size of the selected tool. Probably a dumb question, but still would love some help.
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