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  1. Thank you for answering. Yes, I know this way to reduce the pdf. Another person who works with the file doesn't know the original size. Or I have a magazine with 42 scale architecture plans. In the end I don't know what I have scaled and not. Id would be nice, when there is a option like a jpeg: Original: Plan 1:100 - size 100% Layout: Plan 1:200 - size 50% To check, I have to know that the plan is 50% of the original. How can I handle it?
  2. I would like to scale a pdf. Its easy to scale a picture for example to 50% of the original size and back. I have to scale different architecture plans (always .pdf) where its important, that the scale is right. I haven't found the options to scale a PDF yet. It should work without doing a picture-format like jpeg instead of pdf, because the output of the CAD programm is pdf. How can I scale a PDF to 50% of the original format? Hope my English is enough understandable to what I mean. Many thanks for answers.
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