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Bruno Henrique

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Everything posted by Bruno Henrique

  1. Padlock does not block actions on blocked layers, ends up being useless, in addition to disabled layers
  2. I use the software in PT-BR, the Persona develop, got the name of Persona revelar, and as I do not speak English translator use to communicate here on the forum
  3. Include HSL tools in the reveal persona, for color changes, without going to photo persona
  4. Tip link the site account with Windows store software, and manage product keys from different platforms.
  5. The shortcuts [and] I know and use, but they do not end up being so productive and fast during editing, the more shortcuts better.
  6. It did not work, to migrating from Photoshop to affinity, and this is a feature that use a lot in Photoshop, in Help has the shortcuts but does not work, at least Windows, did not work
  7. Use sidebar tools in two columns, not only in Affinity photo, but design node and Publisher Also
  8. Increase and decrease the fit brush size and other tools by holding Alt + right-clicking dragging.
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