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  1. @stokerg you can close this topic Thanks everyone
  2. i think you need to re-read the FULL thread, maybe more slowly?
  3. TLDR? (for the thread) im guessing yes
  4. After some testing I came up with this: Affinity V1 - doesn't care what you do. no net, filtered traffic but V2 DOES care. The whole "Affinity can't communicate with 'other' apps is smoke and mirrors, especially when there is only one program loaded on the system. The below spoiler is only one small capture two launches. Which qualifies as the mothership or ships (to me) @stokerg yes, it was (filtered) - my laptop is always in a locked down state because it goes outside the flat. The bit about "as it says, trying to communicate with your other installed Affinity applications. " is false when you have only one application installed. no need, no reason to "com" fail due to non-existent other applications installed. (to me) this is a hybrid cloud based product. (for now) the easy solve (for me) V1 on the laptop and V2 on the desktop
  5. During a photoshoot / edit, away from any WiFi, I discovered this gem Why does the product need to check "home" to work? Even Adobe give 30 to 99 days before you have to check into the mothership.
  6. use "V" on a pasted image works just like "free transform" in PS. I've been bumping between AP and FS as I slowly transition over to AP. maybe since this posting the newer version now has the options. AP just does things a bit differently but the end product is the same.
  7. I'm an IT guy and a photog, its called "Nagware" when you get programs that love to "nag" you to update. They know eventually most of the people will get sick of seeing it and update it. The bigger reason behind it is: Support always follows the newest version. Why? if you have 15 different flavors (versions) you have to support every version which takes a lot more man-hours and people. Not that Serif reads these {posts} but they could just make it a policy that you can't get support unless you are fully updated. Leaving an option inside the software that gives you a popup notification that if you turn off auto updates you may not get support... {until you update}
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