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Everything posted by Pyanepsion

  1. Hello, @Artvarkve11, Now's the time : Spring Sales. Enjoy yourselves.
  2. The problem is different from what was mentioned in previous discussions. @DebSki, as Jon P’s reply suggested, by not reproducing the bug without the linked files, the reason was here the linked Affinity files in a old version. By reregistering each of the 51 files with the new version of the suite, the file ‘freeze.afpub’ now opens correctly. @Jon P, The bug can be reproduced. I have created a new archive using the old versions of the linked parts, some of which sometimes contain another file themselves. I’ve anonymized the main file and then sorted the old linked files by type: afdesign, afpub, jpg, png, svg, xlsx. There’s another problem: linked afdesign images that are pinned in the templates are no longer pinned in the pages using those templates.
  3. @Jon P I sent the AFPUB file (without the images or the data merge file), and a video showing the screen freezing.
  4. Hey, @Chris B, I can provide files and a recording, but only on a confidential and private basis. The bug does not appear on version and is reversible after a considerable time after each opening. No key combination on the keyboard seems to resolve this malfunction.
  5. V2.4.02301 Hello everyone, I have encountered a significant performance problem when using the new production version. I have taken a 63 page document containing 13 layouts, a good number of pinned objects and a data merge file. After successfully opening the document on the last modified page, I wanted to navigate to other pages. I then found that I couldn't select an object, edit text or even activate a page. I initially suspected a software acceleration problem, but this proved to be incorrect. The document takes a considerably long time to load. I stopped timing after 18 minutes, which is in stark contrast to the performance observed on the previous 2.3.1 version of the software where it only takes a few seconds. I came back after eating, and the software was finally unblocked. The same thing happens every time the file is opened. This is obviously a major bug. Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter. I remain at your disposal for any further information you may require.
  6. v2.3.1.2217 Hello everyone, I initially had a suggestion for improvement in mind. However, I'm now convinced that it was more of a design error. In Affinity Publisher it was originally a text box containing a letter and three coloured backgrounds, as well as a rectangle measuring 7 × 84 pixels, embedded in an area measuring 320 × 84 pixels. During the process in Affinity, numerous nested groups were created, and all the objects were initially provided in reduced size, and then successively moved and enlarged horizontally and vertically. For example, our vertical rectangle now measures 18.243 × 184.069 pixels before being reduced by a subsequent transformation. There is even an unnecessary group. After optimizing 48 similar files, I saw an average reduction in size of at least 40% per file, accompanied by a significant reduction in the processing time needed to perform unnecessary calculations. Longer text span, Use hex colors (and here Add line breaks for explanations). <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> <!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd"> <svg width="427px" height="112px" version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xml:space="preserve" xmlns:serif="http://www.serif.com/" style="fill-rule:evenodd;clip-rule:evenodd;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-miterlimit:2;"> <g transform="matrix(1.33333,0,0,1.33333,0,0)"> <g transform="matrix(0.383705,0,0,0.45635,0,0)"> <rect x="0" y="0" width="18.243" height="184.069" style="fill:#509e2f;"/> </g> <g transform="matrix(1,0,0,0.466667,0,0)"> <g transform="matrix(1,0,0,2.14286,0,0)"> <rect x="80.549" y="35.619" width="1.667" height="6.703" style="fill:#509e2f;"/> <rect x="272.484" y="35.619" width="1.667" height="6.703" style="fill:#509e2f;"/> <rect x="13.837" y="41.815" width="1.667" height="6.703" style="fill:#509e2f;"/> </g> <g transform="matrix(1,0,0,2.14286,0,0)"> <text x="10.5px" y="41.051px" style="font-family:'ArialMT', 'Arial', sans-serif;font-size:6px;">In hac habitasse platea : «</text> <text x="82.216px" y="41.051px" style="font-family:'ArialMT', 'Arial', sans-serif;font-size:6px;">Mauris rutrum enim vitae, Mauris ?</text> <text x="175.775px" y="41.051px" style="font-family:'ArialMT', 'Arial', sans-serif;font-size:6px;fill:#509e2f;">C</text> <text x="180.108px" y="41.051px" style="font-family:'ArialMT', 'Arial', sans-serif;font-size:6px;">’ed pretium ante sit amet elit tellus. » Ut viverra :</text> <g transform="matrix(6,0,0,6,152.561,47.2471)"> </g> <text x="10.5px" y="47.247px" style="font-family:'ArialMT', 'Arial', sans-serif;font-size:6px;">« Maecenas quis magna. Ut viverra nisl eu ipsum […]</text> </g> </g> </g> </svg> svg-optimized.svg svg-optimized.afpub
  7. 😁 It’s a good thing that computer science isn’t of Swedish (flat) or Lithuanian (vietą) origin, otherwise we’d certainly be in trouble! Renowned dictionaries Larousse and Le Robert clearly state that ‘spot’ is considered a foreign word, not a French one. They simply indicate their translation. Similarly, the Centre National de Ressources Textuelles et Lexicales (CNRTL) only ever provides an exhaustive lexicon of words found in printed documents (from 1880 to 1980 for spot, peaking in 1970, and not beyond), and does not consider them to be French terms at all. For example, it lists words such as ‘software’ that no French speaker uses any more. An analysis of the evolution of the word ‘spot’ in French literature shows its emergence around 1600, its growing popularity in the 1930s with the advent of advertising, and then a decline until the 1950s, marked by the Second World War. There was a further decline until the 1980s, when computer technology revived interest in the term. Since 2015, however, its use has been declining. Prominent figures in French lexicography such as Paul Robert, Émile Littré and Alain Rey, members of the Académie française, did not recognize these terms as an integral part of the French language. The dictionary of the Académie française, the reference for the French language, does not recognize ‘spot’ as a French term. In 2017, it recommended avoiding anglicisms where French terms exist, advocating the use of ‘projecteur’ for software such as PhotoShop and Blender.
  8. I don’t quite agree on this point! Why complicate users’ understanding with foreign terms like ‘spot’ and ‘dot’, which don’t exist in French and require learning, when there are terms in French that everyone can understand: ‘Projecteur’ and ‘Point’? More and more reference software, such as Photoshop, Blender and many others, are now adopting a true French version, without foreign term, because they have realized that this allows them to broaden their customer base to include beginners. It would be regrettable if the Affinity suite were to adopt a retrograde position on this issue.
  9. I can confirm that. On the other hand, ‘Spot’ does not exist in the French language, although it is often used in various technical fields. In physics, it refers to a point of light, or more precisely a spot moving on a graduated scale, produced by a measuring instrument with a rotating mirror. This would be an oscilloscope, for example. In the entertainment sector, it is a small adjustable projector with a reduced light beam used for spot lighting on a stage, in a shop window or in an art gallery. The Affinity suite help explains in French : Blender, for its part, offers: Lumière ponctuelle (Point Light) : A point light is a light source that emits rays of light in all directions from a single point in space. It creates sharp shadows and is often used to simulate light sources such as light bulbs or candles. Projecteur (Spot Light) : A spotlight is a light source that emits a beam of light in a specific direction, at a defined angle. This light is often used to simulate car headlights, stage lights or torches. Lumière du soleil (Sun Light) : Sunlight is a directional light source that simulates natural sunlight. It emits parallel rays of light that pass evenly through the space. This light is used to simulate outdoor lighting and creates consistent, soft shadows. Lumière de zone (Area Light) : A zone light is a light source that has an extended size and shape rather than a point or beam. It emits light in all directions from its surface, creating soft shadows and more natural lighting effects. Area lights are often used to illuminate large surfaces or to simulate light sources such as windows or light panels. A good translation in French of 'Spot' would be 'projecteur' (projector) as in the famous Blender, 'phare' (lighthouse) or 'lampe-torche' (flashlight).
  10. Hello everyone, No matter how many times I click on ’Relative coordinates’ when exporting, I don’t get the expected result. How can I create relative coordinates when exporting SVG text? I would like to obtain: <text dx="eee" dy="ccc"> instead of <text x="aaa" dy="bbb"> Thank you for your explanations.
  11. Please note. I was talking about ‘ko’ and ‘PPP’ as they should be written in French, otherwise they mean something else. Wikipédia : Point par pouce, Octet
  12. Version: Hello everyone, I would like to point out a serious problem with the translation of export parameters in SVG format. It's not just a matter of errors in meaning, but sometimes results in inconsistent or even incomprehensible translations. I personally spent a considerable amount of time trying to understand the optimisation options, before finally turning to Sean P.'s enlightened explanations, which led me to revert to the English version for greater clarity. In addition, there seems to be a duplication of the options "Export text as curve", which adds to the confusion. In the attached document, questionable translations are highlighted in orange, while those requiring immediate revision are marked in red. Below is a translation proposal that is more in line with professional standards. 🔴Export text as curve for font independence = Exporter le texte en courbes pour l’indépendance des fontes (or "Texte en courbe pour s’affranchir des fontes" if you don't solve the problem of the length of the chain.) 🔴kB = ko (note for the translator: both letters ko are in lower case) 🟡Downsample images = Rééchantillonnage des images 🟡Above DPI: = PPP au-delà de : (note for the translator: the three letters PPP are in capitals) 🟡Use DPI: = Résolution PPP : (note for the translator: the three letters PPP are in capitals) 🟡Export text as curves = Exporter le texte sous forme de courbes 🔴Longer text spans = Étendues de texte plus longues (note for the translator: the official W3C translation of "text span" is "Portion de texte", which is appropriate in most cases, "Travée de texte" is sometimes more precise, and "Étendue de texte" is often better suited to complex cases such as this). ✅Relative coordinates = Coordonnées relatives ✅Use hex colours = Utiliser des couleurs hexadécimales ✅Flattern transforms = Aplatir les transformations 🔴Use tile patterns = Utiliser des motifs de tuiles 🔴Set viewbox = Définir la zone d'affichage ✅Add line breaks = Ajouter des sauts de ligne
  13. Hi, @Sean P, Your explanation is pertinent. However, I can’t help thinking that there’s a bug when the text: produce this <tspan> which seems incongruous on ‘er’: <text x="14" y="50.065" style="font-family:'ArialMT','Arial',sans-serif;font-size:8px;fill:#101820">profonde. V<tspan x="54.922px 59.371px" y="50.065px 50.065px">er</tspan>s l’</text> I should point out that there is no spacing on ‘er’ here. I’ve found many errors of this type and others in the new AFPUB file that I was proposing to share.
  14. In order to make it easier to understand the problems encountered and to speed up the process of resolving bugs and improvements, I would, of course, be happy to share privately with the development team the 16-page AFPUB file I used to create the 16 SVG images for a web page, along with the optimized result expected. I hope that this sharing will help: Provide a more complete overview of a real situation. Highlight-specific problem areas. Clearly show the expected results. Save time by pointing out a large proportion of the problems encountered.
  15. v2.4.0.2256 Hello everyone, I've identified an issue with exporting text containing characters with a coloured background. The resulting SVG file has inappropriate conversion of superfluous <tspan> tags and even incongruous grouping, as illustrated, the attachment and source code provided below. In some cases, the file size is 10 times larger than it should be. This anomaly does have a significant impact on the size of the file generated and slows down its display considerably. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> <!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd"> <svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 320 84" version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xml:space="preserve" xmlns:serif="http://www.serif.com/" style="fill-rule:evenodd;clip-rule:evenodd;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-miterlimit:2;"> <g transform="matrix(1,0,0,0.466667,0,2.84217e-14)"> <g transform="matrix(1,0,0,2.14286,0,0)"> <rect x="38.895" y="32.423" width="2.223" height="8.938" style="fill:#e43a30;"/> <rect x="72.691" y="32.423" width="2.223" height="8.938" style="fill:#e43a30;"/> <rect x="98.918" y="32.423" width="2.223" height="8.938" style="fill:#e43a30;"/> <rect x="120.711" y="32.423" width="2.223" height="8.938" style="fill:#e43a30;"/> <rect x="162.066" y="32.423" width="2.223" height="8.938" style="fill:#e43a30;"/> <rect x="191.855" y="32.423" width="2.223" height="8.938" style="fill:#e43a30;"/> <rect x="214.977" y="32.423" width="2.223" height="8.938" style="fill:#e43a30;"/> <rect x="223.426" y="32.423" width="2.223" height="8.938" style="fill:#e43a30;"/> <rect x="249.652" y="32.423" width="2.223" height="8.938" style="fill:#e43a30;"/> <rect x="293.234" y="32.423" width="2.223" height="8.938" style="fill:#e43a30;"/> <rect x="312.797" y="32.423" width="2.223" height="8.938" style="fill:#e43a30;"/> <rect x="22.441" y="42.823" width="2.223" height="8.938" style="fill:#e43a30;"/> <rect x="60.242" y="42.823" width="2.223" height="8.938" style="fill:#e43a30;"/> <rect x="83.367" y="42.823" width="2.223" height="8.938" style="fill:#e43a30;"/> <rect x="92.262" y="42.823" width="2.223" height="8.938" style="fill:#e43a30;"/> <rect x="129.621" y="42.823" width="2.223" height="8.938" style="fill:#e43a30;"/> <rect x="150.52" y="42.823" width="2.223" height="8.938" style="fill:#e43a30;"/> <rect x="173.641" y="42.823" width="2.223" height="8.938" style="fill:#e43a30;"/> <rect x="182.09" y="42.823" width="2.223" height="8.938" style="fill:#e43a30;"/> </g> <g transform="matrix(1,0,0,2.14286,0,0)"> <text x="14px" y="39.665px" style="font-family:'ArialMT', 'Arial', sans-serif;font-size:8px;fill:#101820;">Nullam hendrerit viverra dolor<tspan x="118.488px 120.711px 122.934px 127.828px 132.277px " y="39.665px 39.665px 39.665px 39.665px 39.665px ">. Ves</tspan>tibulum fringilla, lectus id viverra malesuada, enim</text> <g transform="matrix(8,0,0,8,201.648,50.0652)"> </g> <text x="14px" y="50.065px" style="font-family:'ArialMT', 'Arial', sans-serif;font-size:8px;fill:#101820;">mi adipiscing ligula, et bibendum lacus lectus id sem.</text> </g> </g> </svg> I have also noticed many times, in production with version, similar malfunctions with the management of multiple spaces, but I have not managed to reproduce them conclusively in this report. svg-bug.afpub
  16. v2.4.02256 Hello everyone, SVG production now looks OK. Perhaps it's time to move on to optimisation. The files produced by the Affinity suite currently have excessive sizes which can become problematic in contexts where storage or computing capacity is limited, such as online publishing or the creation of books containing many high-resolution images. While these sizes do not generally pose a problem in print, where software often has abundant resources, optimising SVG files becomes imperative for online applications where every byte saved and every improvement in computing speed translates into a significant impact. We often notice unnecessary redundancies (see example below) and superfluous calculation operations when generating SVG files. Some transformations could be avoided by performing the required calculations directly. As a concrete example, here is a standard Affinity Publisher file. It currently generates a document of 3603 bytes. After careful optimisation, this same file will only be 1355 bytes long. This simple example clearly illustrates the potential for significant improvement in this area. SVG by Affinity Suite (3603 bytes): <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> <!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd"> <svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 320 84" version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xml:space="preserve" xmlns:serif="http://www.serif.com/" style="fill-rule:evenodd;clip-rule:evenodd;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-miterlimit:2;"> <g> <text x="14px" y="39.665px" style="font-family:'ArialMT', 'Arial', sans-serif;font-size:8px;fill:rgb(16,24,32);">Sed diam ante, l</text> <text x="71.813px" y="39.665px" style="font-family:'TimesNewRomanPSMT', 'Times New Roman', serif;font-size:8px;fill:rgb(224,60,49);"></text> <text x="79.813px" y="39.665px" style="font-family:'ArialMT', 'Arial', sans-serif;font-size:8px;fill:rgb(16,24,32);">b</text> <text x="84.262px" y="39.665px" style="font-family:'TimesNewRomanPSMT', 'Times New Roman', serif;font-size:8px;fill:rgb(224,60,49);"></text> <text x="92.262px" y="39.665px" style="font-family:'ArialMT', 'Arial', sans-serif;font-size:8px;fill:rgb(16,24,32);">rtis sed, dignissim sit amet, c</text> <text x="194.512px" y="39.665px" style="font-family:'TimesNewRomanPSMT', 'Times New Roman', serif;font-size:8px;fill:rgb(224,60,49);"></text> <text x="202.512px" y="39.665px" style="font-family:'ArialMT', 'Arial', sans-serif;font-size:8px;fill:rgb(16,24,32);">ndimentum in, sapien.</text> <text x="14px" y="50.065px" style="font-family:'ArialMT', 'Arial', sans-serif;font-size:8px;fill:rgb(16,24,32);">Pellentesque nec lectus n</text> <text x="105.172px" y="50.065px" style="font-family:'TimesNewRomanPSMT', 'Times New Roman', serif;font-size:8px;fill:rgb(224,60,49);"></text> <text x="113.172px" y="50.065px" style="font-family:'ArialMT', 'Arial', sans-serif;font-size:8px;fill:rgb(16,24,32);">n risus auct</text> <text x="154.078px" y="50.065px" style="font-family:'TimesNewRomanPSMT', 'Times New Roman', serif;font-size:8px;fill:rgb(224,60,49);"></text> <text x="162.078px" y="50.065px" style="font-family:'ArialMT', 'Arial', sans-serif;font-size:8px;fill:rgb(16,24,32);">r l</text> <text x="168.742px" y="50.065px" style="font-family:'TimesNewRomanPSMT', 'Times New Roman', serif;font-size:8px;fill:rgb(224,60,49);"></text> <text x="176.742px" y="50.065px" style="font-family:'ArialMT', 'Arial', sans-serif;font-size:8px;fill:rgb(16,24,32);">b</text> <text x="181.191px" y="50.065px" style="font-family:'TimesNewRomanPSMT', 'Times New Roman', serif;font-size:8px;fill:rgb(224,60,49);"></text> <text x="189.191px" y="50.065px" style="font-family:'ArialMT', 'Arial', sans-serif;font-size:8px;fill:rgb(16,24,32);">rtis. V<tspan x="209.195px 213.645px " y="50.065px 50.065px ">es</tspan>tibulum sit amet d</text> <text x="280.336px" y="50.065px" style="font-family:'TimesNewRomanPSMT', 'Times New Roman', serif;font-size:8px;fill:rgb(224,60,49);"></text> <text x="288.336px" y="50.065px" style="font-family:'ArialMT', 'Arial', sans-serif;font-size:8px;fill:rgb(16,24,32);">l</text> <text x="290.113px" y="50.065px" style="font-family:'TimesNewRomanPSMT', 'Times New Roman', serif;font-size:8px;fill:rgb(224,60,49);"></text> <g transform="matrix(8,0,0,8,302.559,50.0652)"> </g> <text x="298.113px" y="50.065px" style="font-family:'ArialMT', 'Arial', sans-serif;font-size:8px;fill:rgb(16,24,32);">r<tspan x="300.336px " y="50.065px ">.</tspan></text> </g> </svg> SVG optimization (1355 bytes): <svg viewBox="0 0 320 84" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xml:space="preserve" style="fill-rule:evenodd;clip-rule:evenodd;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-miterlimit:2"> <text style="font-family:'ArialMT','Arial',sans-serif;font-size:8px;fill:#101820"> <tspan x="14" y="39.665" >Sed diam ante, l</tspan> <tspan x="79.813" y="39.665">b</tspan> <tspan x="92.262" y="39.665">rtis sed, dignissim sit amet, c</tspan> <tspan x="202.512" y="39.665">ndimentum in, sapien.</tspan> <tspan x="14" y="50.065">Pellentesque nec lectus n</tspan> <tspan x="113.172" y="50.065">n risus auct</tspan> <tspan x="162.078" y="50.065">r l</tspan> <tspan x="176.742" y="50.065">b</tspan> <tspan x="189.191" y="50.065">rtis. Vestibulum sit amet d</tspan> <tspan x="288.336" y="50.065">l</tspan> <tspan x="298.113" y="50.065">r.</tspan> </text> <text style="font-family:'TimesNewRomanPSMT','Times New Roman',serif;font-size:8px;fill:#e03c31"> <tspan x="71.813" y="39.665"></tspan> <tspan x="84.262" y="39.665"></tspan> <tspan x="194.512" y="39.665"></tspan> <tspan x="105.172" y="50.065"></tspan> <tspan x="154.078" y="50.065"></tspan> <tspan x="168.742" y="50.065"></tspan> <tspan x="181.191" y="50.065"></tspan> <tspan x="280.336" y="50.065"></tspan> <tspan x="290.113" y="50.065"></tspan> </text> </svg> I therefore strongly suggest that future versions of the Affinity suite now include advanced optimisation functions to meet the growing needs of our customers. svg-optimisation.afpub
  17. @Petar Petrenko, I think, or at least I hope, that's how we all do it!
  18. It seems there may be an issue in our discussions related to the translation of technical terms. I am primarily addressing the final phase of the project here. Initially, the client approved the revised document in Microsoft Word. The layout was then done using Affinity Publisher, and a proof was produced in PDF format. After reviewing the printed result, the client often requests additional modifications. These are made directly by Affinity Publisher. A new proof is then produced and approved. At this stage, the client typically requests a new version of the document in Word format. This is where the difficulties arise, as Affinity Publisher is unable to transfer the annotations. This lengthy and error-prone task consequently requires manual re-entry of each note from Affinity Publisher to be integrated one by one into Word.
  19. Let me clarify my comment. What you say is the theory. In practice, however, the client often requests changes to the main text and sometimes to the notes after the receipt of the final press proofproofing. Once the proof has been approved, they often ask for a new version of the Word file. Transferring text from Affinity Publisher to Word takes just a few seconds thanks to the copy-paste function. Transferring notes, on the other hand, is quite different, as Affinity Publisher is unable to copy them. That's why I've come up with this suggestion.
  20. Good theoretical practice is often far removed from our day-to-day reality. Clients often request changes during or after the layout has been finalized, often during proofing. In the example I gave in the introduction, I had to adjust a 90 notes to a 110 notes project following deletions and moves requested after proofing. In such situations, it would be unfair to charge again for the entire layout. The main problem is the copy and paste process from Affinity Publisher, which doesn’t handle copying notes properly.
  21. Hi, @Old Bruce, Absolutely. According to recommended standards, we usually start the process by working initially in a Word document before moving on to the layout in Affinity Publisher, but… In day-to-day practice, however, it is still common to receive requests from customers for last-minute changes, such as adding or deleting text and notes from the final document that has already been laid out. In such situations, it would be inefficient to start the layout process all over again. Our usual approach is therefore to make the necessary adjustments to the work already done. Once the layout has been completed, it is then common for the client to request an updated Word version, which presents significant challenges. Going through each annotation and modification one by one can be not only tedious and time-consuming, but also error-prone.
  22. This has nothing to do with an export filter. All that's involved here is copying and pasting the text from Affinity Publisher into Word. Notes are not included. Anyone who works with notes will often have to provide the text in Word format at some point, and since this copy-and-paste doesn't work, it's a huge waste of time and a huge risk of errors.
  23. v. Hello everyone. There is currently a gap in the process of copying text from Affinity Publisher into Word. Footnotes are not automatically transferred, forcing users to manually take them from Affinity Publisher and insert them one by one into Word. This can be a time-consuming, tedious and error-prone task. For example, it took me around 2 hours for 110 notes, or roughly 1 to 2 minutes per footnote. Automating it will be a great help to anyone who has to resend a Word version in addition to the PDF to those who have (obviously) reworked it in Affinity Publisher.
  24. v2.4.0.2256 Hello everyone, Do we have any idea when PDFs with Opentype collections will be corrected? https://forum.affinity.serif.com/index.php?/search/&q=angsana&quick=1
  25. If we take the image produced by Affinity Photo in Gimp, we can add a huge amount of additional metadata, all of which is visible in Windows Property.
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