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  1. 任何之前创建的文档都会发生这种情况,新创建的文件则没有问题。 我工作的所有文件都包含了嵌入式文档,所有文件都无法正常编辑。 目前我只能重新安装更低版本的操作系统来解决这个问题。 以下附件是我的工作文档之一。 JBQ211027005.afdesign
  2. 1、该问题发生在当前文档里存在嵌入式文档时,在当前文档里编辑嵌入式文档后,使用键盘command+W关闭文档后,该文档无法再次加载。 2、这个问题出现在某些未知的情况下,作品库中有两个相同的文件名时,其中一个文件有可能会被另一个相同的名称的文件覆盖。这个问题我碰到过几次,但不清楚在什么情况下什么原因会导致这样。 ——————— 1. This problem occurs when there is an embedded document in the current document. After editing the embedded document in the current document and closing the document with the keyboard command + W, the document cannot be loaded again.The latest beta also has this problem. 2. This problem occurs in some unknown cases, when there are two files with the same name in the works library, one of them may be covered by another file with the same name. I've come across this problem several times, but I don't know under what circumstances and why.
  3. 我想要一个“矩阵克隆/分布”,可以增加在对齐与分布的功能组里。 现在的对齐与分布,只能对单行或者单列进行设置,我希望同时对行和列一起设置。 大概是这样,当我选择一个“元素/组”,对他进行矩阵分布时候,可以同时设置横向排列的数量、间距;以及纵向数量、间距;旋转角度,甚至大小,等参数。 如果能做到全自动以最大数量布满画布就更棒了。 ----- 这个功能将对小尺寸卡片类的排版减少很多重复的工作,节省很多时间。这个功能也可以很方便的制作无缝图案 ---------------------------- I want a "matrix clone / distribution" that can be added to the alignment and distribution function group. Now the alignment and distribution can only be set for a single row or a single column. I want to set both rows and columns at the same time. In this way, when I select an "element / group" for matrix distribution, I can set the number and spacing of horizontal arrangement, as well as the number and spacing of vertical arrangement, rotation angle and even size. It would be even better if we could fill the canvas with the maximum number automatically. ----- This function will reduce a lot of repetitive work and save a lot of time for small size card typesetting. This function can also be very convenient to make seamless patterns
  4. 我用designer(mac)制作的文件,然后导出pdf文件,再将文件拷贝到另一台电脑的designer(windows),执行打印。 整个过程都是用designer程序,没有涉及到其它程序。 这次到文件我没有保存.afdesign格式。当我下一次出现这种情况时,我会保存一份.afdesign副本,然后向你们反馈。 Software translation: I use Designer (MAC) to make the file, then export PDF file, and then copy the file to the designer (Windows) of another computer to print. The whole process is using designer program, no other program is involved. I didn't save the. Afdesign format this time. The next time I see this, I'll save a copy of. Afdesign and give you feedback.
  5. 如下图,左侧是设计图,右侧是打印文件。我用蓝色的笔标记的地方,都是缺失的内容。当我什么都不做,仅重新打印一份,又回到正常。 这是我第二次出现这样的情况。 印刷对色稿.pdf
  6. 这....佩服! 几乎看不出来是画的。 写实风格,我觉得列车衔接处的透视,可以再加工下。拙见
  7. 实际上应该使用 “Transparency tool”,视频中我用错了工具。我的做法:用一个底色,然后覆盖一层相同大小的黑色,用透明工具调整黑色,然后把黑色透明度调整到合适的,叠加模式换成”正片叠底“,并将黑色置入底色层。 In fact, you should use the "Transparency tool", I used the wrong tool in the video. My approach: use a background color, then cover a layer of black of the same size, adjust the black with a transparent tool, then adjust the black transparency to the appropriate, the overlay mode is replaced by the "multiply" and the black is placed in the background. Floor. Sorry, I don't know English. These contents are google translated. There may be a mistake in the translation.
  8. 周末在家无聊,到网上找了一张图片,然后模仿着画了一只。
  9. 嘿~ VectorVonDoom,非常感谢你观看我的视频,我也很认同你的观点。我目前的工作内容,AD基本能满足我的需求,我的工作内容更多是平面设计,对于像素的要求不会太高。 感谢你的建议,如果以后我能做UI设计,希望能。 Hi~ VectorVonDoom, thank you very much for watching my video, and I agree with you. My current work content, AD can basically meet my needs, my work content is more graphic design, the pixel requirements are not too high. Thank you for your suggestion. If I can do UI design in the future, I hope I can ask you.
  10. 比例好像有点奇怪,头部看上去太大了。 The scale seems a bit strange and the head looks too big. The scale seems a bit strange and the head looks too big.
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