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[ARCHIVE] Publisher beta on iPad threads

Threads created against iOS Affinity Publisher beta builds in 2.0.3 (and earlier)

This forum is for reporting bugs found when using Affinity Publisher 2 iOS Beta ONLY

Please report any bugs that also affect the release build in the Publisher bugs on iOS forum

So that we are able to investigate bugs thoroughly could you please follow this advice

  1. Are you using the latest beta build?
    ( There is normally a post pinned at the top of the relevant forum that describes where to find the beta installer)
  2. Can you reproduce it?
  3. (if you cannot then we may struggle to also, making it even harder to fix)
  4. Does it happen for a new document? If not can you upload a document that shows the problem?
  5. If you cannot provide a sample document then please give an accurate description of the problem for example it should include most of the following:
  •    What is your operating system and version (Windows 10, OSX Mojave, iOS 12 etc)?
  •    Is hardware acceleration (in Preferences > Performance) ON or OFF ? (and have you tried the other setting?)
  •    What happened for you (and what you expected to happen)
  •    Provide a recipe for creating the problem (step-by-step what you did).
  •    Screenshots (very handy) or a screen capture/video.
  •    Any unusual hardware (like tablets or external monitors or drives that may affect things) or relevant other applications like font managers or display managers.
  •    Did this same thing used to work and if so have you changed anything recently? (software or hardware)

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